
What's the most clever way to tell someone to avoid letting you inhale their cigarette smoke? (2nd hand)?

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It's so annoying when people call me a health ****** for bitching about their cigarettes.




  1. "Sorry, could you smoke somewhere else, I'm allergic to bad decisions."

    "You know, cancer isn't a good thing for anyone."

    "I love a good lungful of death, don't you?" (sarcastically)

    "Oh, God, my asthma!" (clutching your throat/chest and feigning an asthma attack)

  2. Possibly they are equally annoyed by you acting like a health ****** for bitching about their cigarettes as you are for having to smell their smoke?

    Just a thought...

  3. I don't think you need clever, just polite and firm. However, make sure you *aren't* being a nut. If smoking is allowed in a certain area and people are smoking, you don't have a leg to stand on, even if it could have an effect on your health. If you don't like the smoke, you will have to go elsewhere. And an occasional whiff ain't gonna kill you.

  4. There are several things you can do.   You can be direct and make the comment to the smoker, including some facts about second-hand smoke the the danger to others, or you can get up and move yourself to another location.  Sometimes, a smoker is hit harder with a non-smoker's reaction by the non-smoker abruptly getting up.  Forget what people call you - you should continue to complain about smokers - every chance you get.   In our city, they are run out of every place they go - bars, clubs, restaurants and now even on the streets - smokers are limited to smoking in their homes....where they should be!  

  5. Umm. I don't know. You could try 'You may not care if you get lung cancer, but I do, so please don't smoke around me'

    I hate when my mom smokes in the house and then sprays airfreshener thinking that it covers it up...

  6. You can't really do anything but ask politely, unless they are smoking in an unauthorized area. I smoke, and when people nicely ask me to move somewhere else I have no problem with it. But when people are annoying about it, then I keep right on smoking. I'm sure it sucks for non smokers to inhale it, but you should go places where smoking isn't permitted if it's that big of a concern.

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