
What's the most daredevil-ish thing you've ever done?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i dont really know. but i WAS gonna go ont his ride that goes upside down and turns while its spins. pople barfed in there spoo much.


    so far i forgot =P

  2. Smoked weed.


  3. When I was 5, I could barely swim. I swam at the lake anyway and my dad ended up pulling me out of the water.

    When I was 13, my cousins and I were walking around the coast. They were ahead of me and the trail ended at a cliff. I heard them talking to each other if they should jump down or not and the other said it looks really too far to jump. I ran and jumped without looking.

    When I was 17, I was driving and my friend dared me to go 80 on this country road. I did it. I missed the 35 MPH warning sign about curves up ahead. As I got to the corner, a car was coming the other way, so I couldn't cut over into the other lane. I barely kept the car in control as we passed each other within inches. After the corner, the car was skidding to the ditch and there were posts on the other side. I didn't want to wreck my car, so I cranked the steering wheel hard and did a few spins to keep the car on the road.

    When I was 40, I ate some spicy food and thought I was going to die.  

  4. i jumped backwards off the top of a bouncy castle slide a few weeks ago but thats not really daredevilish. i only hurt my neck.

    i tried to climb out of my cousins balcony doors to get a tennis ball on the third floor.

  5. Sang at a Karoke bar, I hate my voice!

  6. added my teacher on facebook hahahah

  7. I have done a lot of pranks in my time. My Favourite one use to be changing the signs and sending the tourist in the wrong direction. I did that whenever I got a chance, they would turn the signs in the right direction and then I would change them again.

    Eventually they decided to make all the signs have concrete at the base, so they could be turned, but it was fun while it lasted ;-D

  8. w/salaam

    hm....lets see.....stealing.....actually taking without asking and anyone knowing (lolz)....extra ice cream and chocolate!.....lolz

  9. Been on a rollercoaster and screamed my head off.

  10. Got married!!

    lol seriously though....Alhumdulillah.

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