
What's the most effective way in efforts to capture EVP's???

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Are you sure a micro tape recorder [those mini one's] wouldn't work?

and a local paranormal researcher investigation group advised me to use an old fashioned one. However I'd prefer to just leave one there over night and it'll automatically come on IF there is any sound or a voice,ect

pls advise thanks




  1. I agree with the two posts above me and would like to add that it would probably be best to use a digital recorder. With the others you will hear a little more noise in the background because of the tape.

  2. I agree with 'nuff said'.  It must be a controlled environment.  When you watch "Ghost Hunters" and they play back a recorded evp, I always doubt it because there are people running all over the place.  But they did say they download it to the computer that has a program to enhance and centralize the phenomenon.  I tried a 'voice activated' recorder but could hear nothing when I played it back, even if it kicked on.  It'd be eerie, wouldn't it?

  3. As i have stated before. I like to clear a house or area and leave a DVR on VOX mode. In doing this, I am controlling the environment in which I am trying to get an EVP. Having people running around asking questions leaves open too many ways of getting erronious sounds and voices. Science says you have to conduct an experiment using controlled environments that can be duplicated. therefore, you have to clear out humans and animals to discount anything when you do pick up a sound. and a clear house should be free of voices.

  4. The best way to do it, and actually capture a voice, is to record it before hand. Rig your tape recorder head so it wont record when your push record, this is easy to do.

    Your friends will be freaked out when you have all kinds of crazy stuff on the tape.

    Other than that evps are not recording ghosts voices. They are simply recording normal sounds, and through tweaking and imagination you can make it seem like its saying something.

    Let me explain it this way. When I was a kid on the school bus, the windsheild wipers were loud in the rain. I thought they were saying "Sqeeze me" over and over, and the more I thought that, the more it sounded like it. This is how evps work. Your mind can make words out of a creaking door, shifting floor boards, or anything else.

    Let me ask you this, how many times has a live television broadcast, studio recording, or other professional recording been interupted and ruined by those pesky ghosts? Why do they only communicate with paranormal investigators and no one else? Think about it.

  5. I contend that any recorder will capture EVPs.  I say this because I am of the opinion that EVPs are nothing more than auditory artifacts that result from just about anything (natural) besides a spirit.  These artifacts are then interpreted (and even sometimes manipulated) by humans in very interesting ways.  Auditory pareidolia kicks in and you have people who *want* to hear something, so they hear something.

    Another reason I dislike the idea of EVPs is because it seems to me that many investigators are practicing nothing more than anomaly hunting.  In other words, they are looking to find things that have no immediate explanation and quickly label that paranormal evidence.  Note: Not all paranormal investigators are like this.  I have seen some who take pains to explore all possible explanations.  (These invariably have no evidence for the paranormal, only questionable evidence.)

    If spirits wish to communicate with humans they should do it in a way that is audible to both humans and *any* kind of tape/digital recorder.

  6. you need a white noise generators,and a digital voice recorder .

  7. I have used both tape recorders and digital recorders and find the digital allot easer to use.  You can download a free copy of  Audacity software to copy it into your computer.  see---  Radio Shack has a cable that will go between recorder and computer.  Good luck.

    Also see this link to compare recorders---

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