
What's the most efficient way to study?

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Personally, I study best, when I just write out my notes many times.

Tell me what works and what doesn't.

If you only knew today that you had to take the finals tomorrow, how would you study?

Give every detail to maximize the study period. (Ex: how much time, habits, etc)

What I'm looking for is how to reach my full potential in grades.




  1. I don't think I could give you all of the details, particularly how much time, but here's what I came up with.  Some subjects are more like how to, some are more like memorization.

    The memorization courses can be the most fun, because often you can apply some sort of mnemonic device to learn the various aspects; a simple example is "every good boy does fine"  To this day, 45 years later, it still reminds me how the notes go.  A friend and I use to put our Russian dialogs to corny little tunes to commit them to memory.  Come up with your own, you can be as creative as you want.

    Other courses require you to understand how a theory works and then apply it to certain problem exercises.  The classic example is math.  There is nothing to do with these subjects except to work the exercises until you understand how it works.

    Other courses require a combination approach; e.g., accounting; you have to learn various approaches to recording transactions and preparing financial reports while at the same time memorizing vocabulary, equations, etc.

    The important thing to remember about studying is that it's exercise.  You need to prepare by getting plenty of rest and eating appropriately.  Carbohydrates are the quickest way to gear your brain up, proteins take a couple of hours more.  The most efficient way of studying is to avoid distractions as much as possible.  If you know you are likely to switch the boob tube on, don't study at home; go to the library or some other place without television.  If you know that you'll end up chatting with a buddy at the library instead of studying, stay home.  Studying has to be of high priority.  If you don't want to commit to it, you're not as likely to succeed.  Stick with it as soon as possible until you have the subject matter down pat and do your leisure/recreational activities afterward.

  2. We're all wired a little differently--you have to find out what works best for your brain.  If writing out your notes works best for you, then do it, do it, do it.

    I like to read and re-read.  Some people like to "discuss."

    Never hurts to notice what is important to the teacher--it's more likely to be on his tests.

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