Ok, I just got back from the grocery store and had to share this story of what my 2 yr old daughter did.
I was pushing the cart browsing an isle and she was happily sitting in the cart rummaging through our selections when I turned my attention to the spagetti sauce, and while contemplating whether I wanted roasted garlic or tomato and basil flavor she managed to get the box of tampons open that I had put in the cart just a few minutes before. To my horror, I turned around and see her standing up in the cart, bent over herself, tampon in hand, pretending to stick it "up there" with an isle full of people standing, mouths open, cracking up! I cracked up the whole way home, but at that moment I was so embarrassed I wanted to die! Needless to say, I forgot about spagetti all together and quickly manuvered us to the nearest check out lane.
So how about you? Has your child ever made you want to crawl underneath a rock while in public? I need a good laugh... :-)