
What's the most embarrassing thing your child has ever done in public?

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Ok, I just got back from the grocery store and had to share this story of what my 2 yr old daughter did.

I was pushing the cart browsing an isle and she was happily sitting in the cart rummaging through our selections when I turned my attention to the spagetti sauce, and while contemplating whether I wanted roasted garlic or tomato and basil flavor she managed to get the box of tampons open that I had put in the cart just a few minutes before. To my horror, I turned around and see her standing up in the cart, bent over herself, tampon in hand, pretending to stick it "up there" with an isle full of people standing, mouths open, cracking up! I cracked up the whole way home, but at that moment I was so embarrassed I wanted to die! Needless to say, I forgot about spagetti all together and quickly manuvered us to the nearest check out lane.

So how about you? Has your child ever made you want to crawl underneath a rock while in public? I need a good laugh... :-)




  1. Thats too cute!!!

    My most embarrassing moment would have been when I had both kids in the trolley in Kmart. My 4 year old daughter was sitting in he trolley part, my 3 yr old son was sitting in he seat part. We were just browsing when all of a sudden, my son, in a loud voice said, "Mummy you have big boobies" lol I could have died.

    I have had a few more. Once my daughter saw a man with a white bushy beard and long white hair. She says to me *he could hear) "Mummy why isn't Santa in his red clothes" Too cute! The man had a laugh thankfully!

  2. i think you should of got the roasted garlic sauce

  3. I have 5 children and it is just so funny to watch them try to discover new stuff. Well this was actually at a banquet hall. We were at a party. My daughter who is 4 years old can't pronounce certain words properly. I just left her with a few close friends while my husband and I went to dance. When we came back our friends started laughing and telling us about the conversation they had with my daughter. They asked her different questions and one was "how are your parents?" She answers, "dirty." They ask her again and she says, "they are dirty." But what she actually meant was "they are thirty." She thought they said "how old are your parents?"

  4. OK here it is. My daughter was only 3 years old and her first words were mommy, daddy, and duck. I was in Wal-mart and in the ilse with all the fish. I was trying to teach her the word fish. You might be able to see whats coming. In the middle of busy Wal-mart she combined fish and duck into F-and add the last 3 letters of duck.

  5. I have no kids but my 6 year old niece and I were out one time and she yelled at a Rabbi "Jesus loves you haha", apparently she'd seen Homer say the same thing to a Rabbi in The Simpsons. Quite embarrassing. We aren't even religious in the slightest, she was just repeating what she'd heard.

  6. Honey, that's something you shouldn't be doing in front of your toddler.  Some things are just private.  To answer your question, nothing.

  7. My 4 yr. old daughter loved rubbing my tummy when I was pregnant w/ her sister. Well, about a week after I gave birth to her little sister we were at Target and my 4 yr. old comes over to me, starts to rub my tummy, and says "I can't wait to see my sister!" I was like "Honey, I already had her a week ago." I guess she did that out of habit, but I was pretty embarrassed.

  8. wow lol. that's a good one. the things are kids do sometimes i wish I had a camera with me all the time for my daughter. there are a few that my daughter has done. not long a go me and my daughter where at a home depot I was trying to buy paint to paint her room. since I was only there for one thing I didn't use a carriage BIG MISTAKE! because my daughter is potty trained she knows if wer are out she needs to tell me she has to use the bathroom well my daughter took that to heart at home depot. she had to go and decided that since there was a toilet she was going to go. not in the bathroom in the toilet that where on display for people to buy. I turned my back for one second and she was sitting on the toilet now at first I thought she was just sitting on the toilet but as I got closer I realized that she had her pants and underwear down using the bathroom! I was horrified luckily one of the employees was very understanding. I don't even want to know what they had to do to get the pee out of the display toilet.

  9. I had taken my 3 yr old cousin to the supermarket on a busy day, and he kept saying "I HAVE TO GO PEE NOW" I tried to take him but the line was extremely long and there was only one bathroom.

    He became fustrated, pulled his pants down, grabbed his pee pee and said " BUT I HAVE TO GO NOW." Im assuming his mother had been teaching him how to go and what to do, he just didn't quite understand not to do it in public LOL.

  10. How exactly did your two year old learn how to operate a tampon?

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