
What's the most important issue in this years presidential election and why?

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What's the most important issue in this years presidential election and why?




  1. The supreme court

    this is the real prize of the Republican n**i Party...Once they have it they can roll back 75 years of social progress

  2. Oil independence/Economy

    McCain 08

  3. All the innocent people we're killing in Afghanistan... 60 more kids killed this week by American bombs...

    that doesn't make enemies..

  4. Overcoming racism. Everyone knows Obama would make a better president than McCain, but racism lingers. The neocons have shown their true colors.

  5. Oil independence,cutting spending, war on terror  

  6. The Iraq War because Bush and his co-conspirators lied us into an unnecessary war. Saddam Hussein was no threat to our security, Saddam Hussein was contained by no-fly zones, they knew that but went to war anyway.. All of our troops who have been killed or injured in that war have died and been wounded needlessly. These people have murdered our heroes, they are war criminals. McCain would continue this disastrous war and the needless killing of our brave troops. Vote to keep them alive, vote to send them home to their love ones, VOTE OBAMA    

  7. Character, because McCain has it and Obama is one.

  8. If you had to choose, which of the following issues will be most important to your vote for president: the economy, terrorism, the situation in Iraq, health care, energy, including gas prices, or some other issue?" Options rotated



    The economy


    The situation in Iraq


    Energy, including gas prices


    Health care




    Illegal immigration (vol.)


    Abortion (vol.)






  9. that someone with no experience and nothing original to say can get so much support from people who call themselves americans

    because its scary that so many americans call just another democratic candidate, a Messiah, because hes black

  10. oil independance/economy which go hand in hand.

  11. the real issue is the stock market crash coming!

    its going to happen/ not a maybe

    hang on to your hats

  12. Barack Obama

  13. Taxes.

    don't raise them at all

    Get rid of the IRS

  14. Gas prices (advantage McCain), unless/until a foreign policy crisis arises or UBL/Al Qaeda attack again (in which case, advantage McCain).

    The latter should be the #1 issue, but the public is easily distracted by paying a few more cents per gallon, so the public's priority #1 is wishy washy and variable.  Used to be AIDS - where's that one rank now, despite no cure?

  15. Guns, religion and my kids who have punished me ever since they were born.

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