
What's the most important thing to do while living?

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What's the most important thing to do while living?




  1. Learn how to satisfy yourself as oppose to living to please others.

  2. Realize God for yourself.

  3. Reproduce & Evolve

  4. Don't get so caught up in living that you forget to live.

  5. The most important thing you can do can be found till your time of living has come to an end. That is being able to look back on everything and truly have no regrets. Just know, not with your mind but with your heart, that you do everything in life the best you could. The good and the bad. When its over you will know what true happiness is.

  6. Live day as if its your last day; learn each day as if you'll live forever...

    (famous quote, can't remember right now who said it)

  7. breathe. think. feel.

    one of those 3

  8. viva la vida(live n let live)

  9. don't forget to live, love, and let go.  Lastly seek enlightenment and life will never be the same...

  10. not die

  11. The most important thing we can do while living is to search for meaning and purpose and not give up. It is the only thing that keeps us going. It is only in the retrospect of a life spent in searching for meaning that we learn the results of our search.

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