
What's the most important volleyball position???

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I really want to know because i am really good at volleyball like i can set really well and hit super hard so HELP!!!!! PLZ




  1. Ok, I know that there is really no correct answer here. But I do personally think that the setter is the most important person on the court. They should be the most vocal person, and the person who will always hustle to get the ball. I know that if there aren't any people who can pass on a team then the ball won't get set, and the hitters can't hit. Also If nobody can serve then you lose points that way. In volleyball it's basically one huge circle. You need everything to be a successful team. Even through all that though I still the setter is the most important person on the court. But you should choose whatever poistion would help your team out the most.

  2. all postions are just as important. it all depends on where you team needs you! ~good luck=]

  3. i think that liberos/ds are the most important players. if you dont get a good pass, you wont get a good set, and if you dont get a good set, you wont get a good hit, other than back row. if you dont have a pss period, you dont get a set or the chance to hit. but id say the next most important to passers are setters. whos going to hit if no one is there to set the ball?

  4. There is no "most important" position in vb.

    People tend to think the setter is the most important, but that simply isn't true (and I'm currently a setter).

    By its very nature, vb is a game where every player is vital. If the server serves out, you lose. If the blocker blockes the ball out, you lose. If the pass/bump/digger doesn't get the ball to the setter, the set won't be good, you lose, if the setter is no good, the hitter won't get a good attack, you lose, if the hitter can't hit over/around the block and put it in, you lose no matter how good the set.

    I have played in teams where the setter (not me) was so good, it didn't matter if the passes were bad, she (the setter) was able to get a good set up.

    I currently play setter in a team where the passing is so good from everyone, that I don't have to be a great setter, just good enough to put it up decent sets from good passes. I'm actually the tallest on my team, but I still play setter (back court) because the passes are so good.

    One aspect that might help you to choose which position *you* want to play is the strengths of the others in your team. If you already have lots of great hitters, then don't try out for a hitter for example.

  5. I would have to say the DS or the backrow in genral.

    If you can't get a good pass, you can't get a good set, and then no hit, ect.

  6. Not one position is better than the other. They are all very important. Libero is my favorite. Just try out for what you like the best.

  7. the server.

    it's the most vital position when making rallies

    If the server hits the ball and the other team doesn't get it, then you win points.

    Sometimes all it takes is a really skilled server and notsoexperienced setters but easygoing bumping people to win a couple games.

    Serving is the most important thing, it starts off a game and can easily end one.

    --That Mrs. Ronaldo chick, mind her. --

    All she's good at is answering soccer questions.

    She never played an official game of volleyball in her life.

    Never a tournament, never a team.

    I've been playing for three years straight, I'm not lying about what I say. My mother was MVP and played volleyball for six years straight after high school but stopped when I came in the picture.

    I actually know a thing or two.

  8. They're both equally important positions, if you don't have any good setters then I'd go for setter. But if you really like hitting and your team is strong in both areas, ask your coach if you can do a 6-2 formation so that when you're in the front row you can still hit it.

  9. 1 serve

    2 bump

    3 set

    4 spike

    5 block

  10. I say that they are all prettty important. if you don'tget the surve over then you loose a point. If you don't set then you can't spike and if youdon't spike there goes an easy point. SO i say that they are all important.

  11. They are all important in different ways.

  12. its not the server! the setter is the most important position! the setter controlls the game! if your setter sucks then your team will most likely suck because you probably wont get quality sets! i'm actually a setter for my club and high school team. put it this way the setter is like a quarterback. they  determine what is going to happen.. the pick who they are going to set, wheter they want to tip, they have to be quick, and have good hands.

    i hope this helps!

  13. I would say generally speaking it's the setter, because they set up the hitters, if the set is crappy, the hitter will have a harder time w/ the kill, but at the same time it really depends on your team because w/ some teams they play a certain way where the passers might be the most important if your set up is different, or if you have a coed team, w/ only a few boys who can actually spike over the net then the hitters would be most important because only a few of them can get the job done, but in reality it depends on perspective and each team. If you're having a hard time deciding what to do, then just try out both if you can. See which one you enjoy more, and also look into which position would make you more valueable to your team.

    Best of luck to you.

  14. Well at school they say were all positions are equally important but we all know its the setter or front-mid (spiker)

    Even if your in the middle front sometimes you set it up to the setter if your setter can spike

    Hope i helped a bit!

  15. well, everyone is important in a volleyball game.

    some people think that back row or libero is the most important because without a good pass to the setter, the whole pass set spike is messed up.

    others say that the setter is the most important because they make or break the game. i personally think the above two are the most important.

    but then there are the people who think that front row is important because they block balls and spike, but if you have a bad spiker that can ruin a game, trust me i know. and if your front row doesnt block the ball you def. need the back row/libero to be there ready to pass the ball. also, the setter can set the back row, so there can be a good hitter in the back row.  

    so in my opinion, setter and back row are most important. front row is also very important, but just not as important because you can hit from the back row, and blocking is a good thing, but not always effective

  16. Yea it is hard to say because volleyball is such a team first reaction i would say the setter is the most important (not just because i am one) because they are the ones who touch the ball pretty much every time the ball comes to your side of the net, plus they have a lot of descisions to make at the same time with what hitter to use what blockers do i avoid etc....however one could then make an arguement that the setter can't do anythign without the passing of their teammates

    So there is no one position that is the most important because you can't set properly without good passes, and you can;t hit without good really it is the ultimate team game because it takes an entire team to pass well

  17. The highschool volleyball coach said that setting is the most important 'cause they can make or break the game if the setter stinks so does your team!

  18. i dont think there is one certian position that makes or breaks the teams think about it

    if u cant serve then ur not going to get that many points

    passing of course is important becuase if u cant pass to the setter or where u need to then ur not going to be a successful team

    settting also is important because the can make or break the game if they cant set right to the hitters the setter has to be very flexible in being able to set different ways to different people and not serve over or u will get the WRATH of the other teams :)

    and hitting too u kill it and and the end of the day get MOST of the respect because u hit

    there is no ONE important person that is more important than someone else

  19. I would say server because you technically could win a game with just a server (if you have ball first and can get perfect killer serves every time) If you only had a setter/bumper, they would have to cover the whole entire court trying to get the ball and would probably get tired and you also couldn't serve the ball so you wouldn't get any points and would be pretty impossible i guess.

    VB is a team sport...everybody is important

  20. there is no position better then the rest. its a team sport so everyone is equally important. offense is as important as defense.

    hope i could help!

  21. Volleyball is a team sport! All positions are crucial! There is not one position that is more important than the other! In a volleyball game everyone has to do there job, or else it just dosent work. Now some people may get more touches or more playing time but no position is better than another. You all have to work as a team to win as a team! Now i will admit setters are usually the "Play makers" but everyone plays an important role on the court and without every one being in sync then you wont be as great as you have the ability to be.

  22. well all of them are really importatnt or else you would have an empty gym. but without the serving, you wouldnt have a game, so  that is considered imporant.

  23. All positions are important. But with that said...

    The high school teams that win state usually have one or more really good hitters. A team with an ok supporting cast and one phenomenal hitter can go a long way.

    In the D1 NCAA finals Pen State and Pepperdine both had one amazing hitter. I think if you have average players for all other positions, one dominant hitter is huge.

    However, at the international level, the playing field is slightly more even. Here, a really good setter may help more than a really good hitter, because all the hitters on a national team will be very skilled anyway.

    In summary-

    Middle school- passing positions

    High school- hitting (OH)

    College- hitting (OH)

    International- setter

  24. Don't think about it in terms of glory.  If you want individual glory, go run track.  Think about it as percentages.  If you want to go to college and play, how many setters does a collegiate team carry?  Two, maybe three if one is a walk-on or doubles as a libero.  With 2 libero's on a 16 person roster, that leaves 11 or 12 hitters on the team.  A majority of the team is hitters.  If you wanna hit, learn to pass.  Passing hitters get more play time.

  25. They are all important, but if I had to pick one I'd have to pick the setter. The hitters rely on the setter, so if the setter isnt good, no matter how good the hitter is, it'll be harder to score.

  26. Um they all are supper inmortant!!  Not one is better that the other.  They alll have their speical job.  Try out for both or play both.  Do what you enjoy the most.

    Hope this helped,

    Live the vb gal

    PS- I'm an outside hitter

  27. personally i think that the setter is the most important. as long as the rest of the team has good sets, you can get good hits and get more points.

  28. I think they're all important but i personaly think the libero or ds' are important cuz they stop all the kills and can move very quickly and make amazing plays.

  29. well they are all improtant. if u look at it this way. if your setter sucks then you wont be able to hit, but if u have an amazing setter and a sucky left sidde and middle hitter then you are screwed as well. and then there are the defensive players, have you ever heard the phrase "the best offense is a good defense". well that can be true, if u have a good libero and other defensive players they can pass well to the setter, but you could have an amazing front line and an awfull back row, if that is the case then you will never be able to attack because you cant pass to the sette.

    ok... to sum this up its like a ring or a cycle, every part has to do their job, if one person fails for example the passer, and does not get the ball to the setter the play is ruined. same for the attackers and the setter. every posotion has an upmost of importance.

  30. they all kinda depend on eachother.............if you dont get your serves in you loose points................if you dont get your bumps u cant set the ball....................................... you dont set then you cant spike soooo they all depend on eachother                                                       they are all important

  31. umm...all the positions are important...everyone has to work together to get the ball over...if you are good at setting then ask the coach if you can come up and set when you are in the back row...and you can hit when your in the front...

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