
What's the most important when starting in golf?

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What's the most important when starting in golf?




  1. Have a passion for the game itself.  It is an unique sport.  Having started playing because I watched the movie starring, Glen Ford as, Ben Hogan, in "Follow The Sun," released in 1951, wasn't enough to make me a solid golfer, but did make me want to take up the game.  I played off and on for a time after that...and it was some years later that I really wanted to play more and play better.  So, I decided I was not a good teacher for me, and some friends that "played" a little, but didn't help my game any. So I started taking golf lessons...and even now having really played golf, I still take lessons when I'm not playing well or not playing as I would like to play.  And with the lessons, comes the practice.  There are many Golf Magazines...books on to play...and so on.  But after you take those lessons from a golf pro...and then'll get a lot more out of it and understand more about you, your swing and all that's involved to make you a better golfer.  It's not easy....takes a lot, and I mean a lot of patience, but is well worth the time and commitment, plus I'm 80 years old and still go after it.  There are golfers out ther 20 years older than me still playing.

    Any questions...check at your local golf course and check with one of the golf professionals...they'll have the answers...and all the tools there to help you get started on the right track.  Good Luck!!

  2. Have fun and be patient!

  3. Golf is a very difficult game, aside from the bio-mechanics you have to master, you have to control your temperament, expectation.  It could be expensive too, so buy clubs that are "forgiving"  your sales person at a pro shop will help you go through the different types of equipment

    You may wan to take a few lesson to learn the mechanics of the game and watch golf tournaments to have a fair understanding of the order of play.

    To start golf, simply have the love for the game.

  4. Respect the course

    Respect the weather

    Take your time

    Dont go crazy if you play bad, relax

    Enjoy the game

    have fun

    Play with friends its much better :D

  5. There are any number of things that have a degree of importance.   the understanding that you can't just learn the game, or how to swing from a book or video. It takes lessons and a lot of practice.  But the most important is the desire to learn.  Good Luck and Enjoy the game!

  6. Long Putts

    You will usually have to putt from the edge of the green a long way.

    Don't try and get the ball in. beginners usually send the ball from one side of the green to the other.

    Instead, try the practise putting area and aim to get within 3 to 5 feet of the hole.

    That may save a few shots ....

    .... also others at the practise green may give you a few good ideas on the rest of your game

  7. golf lessons are starter series in groups are great and then as you progress one on one with a teaching pro .

  8. That you have the desire to play the game, learn the etiquette of the game and develop a little mastery before you ever get on the course. The worst thing you can do is get on the course with no preparation and experience and become discouraged.Golf is a pastime which you will be able to enjoy the rest of your life.

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