
What's the most impressive nanotechnology that exists today?

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And what impressive nanotechnology awaits us in the future?




  1. I went to a metrology scociety conference on nanotech last year with an announcement of widows that clean themselves however just about everyrhing in our lives will be changed by this technology. The article below has some interesting tidbits.

  2. It is very hard to say what is the most impressive, it is still a very, very young field, rapidly growing.

    The most impressive would probably have to be carbon nanotubes.  These small strands of carbon, so far have been compared to steel in tensile strength.  There have been theories that carbon nanotubes could be used to build an interstellar elevator.  The reason for this is because they can mend quickly once broken.  The University of Purdue was one of the first colleges to build a nanotechnology lab to investigate this.

    What this will provide for the future is the ability to continue to make technological improvements that we require.  For the future, nanotechnology will probably be used to cure all kinds of surgeries, cancers, and a lot of other stuff.

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