
What's the most impulsive thing you've ever done?

by Guest44945  |  earlier

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  1. Moved from New York to Georiga after only thinking about it for a week... I miss it, but im happy with my decision to move.

  2. Sign up for Yahoo! Answers.

  3. One time I threw a taco out a window.

    On a more serious note, I took off and ran away to the big city when I was 21. I didn't tell anyone I was going, stayed in hiding for a week, and didn't emerge until I was good and ready.

  4. HA!  That's a hard one - probably pack up whatever would fit in my car, borrow $200 from a friend I hadn't seen in 3 years and move 3 states away to stay with an ex boyfriend while I found work.  NO warning, I decided one morning and did it - didn't even tell my family I was living with.

    I ended up staying in that city for 10 years now though and I love it, so....

  5. eat.

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