
What's the most inappropriate place you've ever had an uncontrollable fit of the giggles?

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What's the most inappropriate place you've ever had an uncontrollable fit of the giggles?




  1. work...

  2. A post-funeral reception where everyone was referring to the deceased in really serious/sober tones. I don't know what happened. I was listening to his relative talk about what a world-war hero this man was and all the battles he'd fought in and the medals he'd received, how many soldier's lives he'd saved on the battlefield, etc. when all of a sudden... something popped into my head (I've since blocked it out - whatever it was) and the giggles just bubbled up to the top like champagne in a glass.

    I almost choked and couldn't figure out how to disguise it and my sister had to pinch me in the side til I got teary-eyed so I pretended I was crying....

    Please don't judge me. My mom's been appalled with me ever since.

    Thanks for the memory.

  3. Church.  My dad is a TERRIBLE singer (very tone-deaf) but when we were kids he would always belt it out during the hymns...he just really loves singing, bless his soul.  My sister and I would always elbow eachother, trying to make eachother laugh, and dad's awful AWFUL singing certainly didn't help.  We got busted on many occasions.

  4. I was in college and we were in a lecture about the Holocaust and my friend was whispering to me about immigrants coming into Canada....and I said " Canadian Geese flying right over that F***IN border"

    We laughed for a good twenty mins

  5. While I was being frisked by the po po for drug possession...I laughed my *** off cus they were looking for more but I knew we smoked it to go home too…man those were the days:)

  6. I was at best friends house and she had some business friends over and I had told her about a question on blog"Have you ever written a blog and I thought she had said have you ever been bitten by a Dog?? We still laugh over this, laughing to tears...              

  7. in a family meeting face to face, this woman had the funniest voice, what made it so hard for me is the fact that my mom was trying to hold her laugh in as well. omggggg  

  8. When my school does the moment of silence. My friend kept on passing notes to me saying ''When is this c**p gonna end? I feel tipsy!'' She always makes me laugh. And another one was when the drug addict was talking to us, my friend whispered ''Vannilla Pudding'' and I just cracked up!

  9. It happened to me in church, I couldn't get it together, so my hubby told me to leave.

  10. A funeral. Bad place to have the giggles. My dad now tries to avoid funerals because he know he'll end up doing something like laughing.

    I always get them during minute's silences too.

  11. In the sack with my sweetheart. I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. He was not amused.

  12. At a funeral.. the pastor kept getting the name of the deceased and important details about her life wrong, and it was just funny.

  13. At a Library.  

  14. when my grandmother flipped over in the lazyboy. She got to rocking a little too hard and flipped the whole thing over. I was laughing so hard I could barely help her up...she was alright just a little mad at me, which made the situation even worse.  

  15. This wasn't me, but my mum had an uncontrollable fit of the giggles at church once. To be precise, at my grandmother's one year memorial service. Ooops?

  16. At a funeral! The priest said "Now everyone please have a s*x, exuse me seat." I couldn't stop laughing, and my mom smacked me on the head to shut up!! lol

  17. Buckingham Palace, just about to get my decoration when Philip farted, I got the giggles, Liz whacked me round the head with a ceremonial sword, I fell over and kicked the corgis, Phil farted again and  the Lord Chamberlain had me dragged out by 6 troopers of the household cavalry and locked in the tower, I am up before the judge at the Old Bailey a week next Wednesday, I just hope I get life instead of the ritual beheading

  18. A very strict and mean teacher was giving my class a lecture about our behavior and grades. i wasn't paying attention and than i remembered something funny that happened the day before. i started giggling and the teacher shot me an evil look and asked me if I find that funny. i tried to put on a straight face and answered no

  19. i did at a boyscouts ceremony for my brother (I was in highschool).  I couldn't help.  I got the evil eye from my mom

  20. church

  21. It happens to me a lot, I just can't seem to hold my laughter for very long :D

    The last time it happened at work, and in 10 min. 3 of my coworkers were laughing as well! haha!

  22. SEVERAL!  But the latest that comes to mind was when I took my best friend to see Brokeback Mountain (I had already seen it and really liked it).  I REALLY wanted to be quiet so she could take it all in and appreciate the utter sadness of the entire movie but I accidentally farted.  I peeked out of the corner of my eye and I saw that look of recognition on her face as the gas began to fill her nostrils.  Then she looked at me like "YOU JUST SHAT!" but didn't say anything.  I was trying to be quiet but I couldn't stop laughing and it's VERY hard to control laughter in instances like that.

  23. Once at my brother's wedding (his first one). Another at a funeral.  

  24. I was in the choir at church one day. My best friend slipped as she was going up the steps. She didn't get hurt (thank GOD), but the way she caught herself was so funny. I giggled all during the songs and couldn't stop, and I was embarrassed..

  25. well,

    i would have to say during a voice recital with a guest performer- not the best time to do it, but it started with me and my best friend ushering for the performance and it just started from there....

    then i would have to say during choir when my director was pissed at us for not practicing he said something and i almost started right then and there....

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