
What's the most likely explanation for these ICBM Missile shutdowns?

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March 16, 1967, two Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile sites unexplainably shut down coincident with a UFO reported directly above one of the E-Flight (LF) or silos by the security team, and another above the gate at Oscar-Flight.

One security guard was injured and hospitalized during the mele. Two of the deactivated missiles never came back online.

The Boeing investigation of the incident concluded an electro-magnetic pulse was responsible. But technology of the time was incapable of producing such a pulse.

Can it be assumed the coincidence of the two UFOs in close proximity to the silos were somehow connected to the shut-downs?




  1. The same as the answer to the question: "Why do responsible parents keep unloaded firearms locked away in the vicinity of kids?"

    Someone or something somewhere doesn't want any "exchanges" to occur in our world. No! I don't mean the type of exchanges made at Wal-Mart.

  2. Occam's Razor:

    Somebody wanted quantitative data of the impact of electromagnetic pulse on missile silos to determine how vulnerable they were. This would help determine their configuration, construction, control networks, and global locations to assure our proper national defense.

    A payload was arced over the horizon and monitored during descent: when it reached the 'go-zone', it was actovated. You can speculate on focusing geometry & yield mods, but the payload didn't even have to be nuclear - just generate a big pulse. Give me a huge piezo crystal & a chunk of C-4 and I can give you the same thing.

    "Why test one site when you can test two for twice the cost" (loosely borrowed from the movie, "Contact")

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