That allyuh ever get? I mean d one dat just stands out in ur memory and yuh can't forget matter how hard yuh try.. and what object did u get licks with? spoon? broom? belt? ruler? whip? shoe?
I get licks with a cocoyea broom mom had asked me to sweep the driveway and i start to complain ...(not loud fuh she tuh hear doh).. and say why i have to clean dis driveway, i look like d maid...ent we have a maid, why i hadda do it..d breeze done blowing arready, it go get back dusty.. apparently d oman hear me, and all of a sudden she grab d same cocoyea broom i was using and was level licks...
When i was 12, i get licks with a pot spoon for talkin to a fella out d road when i was supposed to be coming home with my cuzos...i outside real tacklin dis fella..well dey tell my mom dat I was out d road wit d boy..well she didn't self put dong d spoon..and d licks start from in d middle a d road eh trinidad..wit all dem macomere neighbors siddong in dey gallery..