
What's the most poisonous animal in the world?

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What's the most poisonous animal in the world?




  1. Darn, up to Jason's answer, I was going to suggest the Man of War jelly fish.  It's been a while since I lived in Fla., but these purple floating invasions killed MANY.  It's a jelly fish also.  For the floating purple bulb on the surface, they can have 30 ft. tentacles below...

    Guess I have been out of the "salt water loop" for too long...

    I left salt water cause a shark hit me.  CAN you blame me? ;;)

  2. my ex husband!!

    dart frogs are the most poisonous critters  

  3. There are a lot of poisionous animals, but the poison arrow frog and stone fish are probably the most poisonous

  4. I think the blow fish is the most poisonous. Maybe the Kamodo Dragon, but that isn't poison, just a lot of bacteria. And the box jellyfish.

    I know for a fact that there is no way to be saved after eating a improperly prepared blow fish or being stung by a box jelly. They kill you too fast. Not the blow fish so much but no one has been able to survive. The blow fish is a long slow death (1-5 days)and the jelly is a quick death (10-20min).

  5. i think its the black mamba. 2 drops and your dead in 20 min tops

  6. I heard some where that a daddy-long-leg spider is the most poisonous spider, but their fangs can't penetrate humane skin, so we're fine. But that's probably not true lol

  7. irocongie (really small box jelly)

  8. ok mj every single anmial you said is VENOMES not poisoness and most of the other people said animals that where venomas the most poisoness is a certain kind of poisen dart frog it is kalled the golden yellow arrow frog and you only have to touch it for it to burn your skin after about 5 min

  9. all wrong.. its the box jelly fish!

  10. I heard someplace that it is a sea-snake found in the pacific ocean but they rarely bite people  

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