
What's the most romantic thing that ever happened to u ,or, that u did . ?

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What's the most romantic thing that ever happened to u ,or, that u did . ?




  1. Somebody used to leave white camellias on my porch.  Never found out who.

  2. my guy lives in baltimore. i live in st. louis. when we first became intimate (it's been over 3 years now), he conspired with my friends to come out for a surprise visit. My friends & I decided on a weeknight dinner out, and after I was seated at the table he came up behind me & asked, "Is this seat taken?" I was stunned. I had no indication that he was going to be there. That weekend turned out to be really special. We went to a concert in the park, won a gift certificate to a really nice restaurant in a raffle & had a great meal there. Then we went to a Cardinals game the next day.  

  3. Oh my, with my husband there were so so many.

    One thing we used to love to do when it was cold outside is sit outside with a fire in the chiminea and drink hot chocolate and roast marshmallows. We would sit on a bench with a blanket around us and talk endlessly.  We loved the shadows of the ''tree skeletons'' on the wall of our house and the stars above us.    How I miss him.

    For those who don't know what a chiminea is......

  4. We must be on the same wavelength Sheila, I just asked a question pertaining to romance. The most romantic thing I did was to fly my girlfriend out to India and rent a chalet in the jungle as a surprise for her birthday. The chalet was more of a cheap hut and I used air miles for the flight but I think it is the thought that counts!  

  5. after all this time I will never forget my first date with the engineer at the business I worked in for over a year. To get the date I almost had to knock him down and jump on his bones. He just had no confidence whereas I had lots and was at the time on hormone replacement so really driven. I think I had the added hormones of a teenager. Thank goodness it only happened when I was older. He was so taken by my agreeing to go out with him that I could feel the warmth and goodwill emitting from him on that first date. I could do no wrong and I was a princess once again (my father's influence) His attention, his eyes all mine. It was such a pleasant relationship to put it mildly but eventually my hormones scared him off and I suspect he is still running but that first date sooo romantic has not happened before or since---what a pity. Need to go back on those hormones ! maybe it was the drugs !~

  6. still waiting......

  7. mi boyfriend took me to the water front and it was a full moon and we walked along the water front

  8. I once gave a girl friend flavored condoms!  

  9. You are so right Half Drawn when you say it is the thought  that counts. . .You don't need money to express your love . In my marriage I did it all the time, in so many different and unique ways. . .some I can't mention here. . LOL . . .others were just simple love notes left everywhere . . .I have a very active imagination and used it to the full !  Over time I guess he got tired of all that love. . .again, his loss !

  10. i do not know if i would go to the trouble again but while working in louisiana living in a small town that did not have a dairy bar -- she wanted a banana split so i hit a few stores until i had all the fixing including the little boat like things you put them in -- had to be the most costly banana split in the world!!!

  11. Serenaded a girlfriend old-timey style. The whole deal, boat, parasall, straw boater hat, ukalele. She seemed to enjoy it, or probably it was just the wine.

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