
What's the most romantic thing your boyfriend ever said to you :)??

by  |  earlier

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Text message... simple word... compliment ??? tell all :)!!!




  1. He said I was that perfect girl he'd been looking for.

  2. Can I clean the house for you?  ;)

  3. we had a serious fight when walking back to his in the dark, through his housing estate and i started to cry. Then he dropped everything and said

    "please dont cry! ill do anything to stop you crying! ill strip for you and walk home naked!!"

    then low and behold,

    he did.  /:)

    ive never gone from being in tears to laughter harder in my life!

  4. I think the world of you, $oph

  5. Ah you can't beat the: I love you. But other than that, before I met him *met him through an internet game, yes I know weird, but he now lives in my town ^^* He said: I want you to be happy, so if we can't meet, I don't want you to waste your life on me. That really touched me because he meant it, he would rather be sad and me happy than me sad and him happy.  

  6. when he was trying to win me back after i broke up with him, he told me he told his friends he'd never cry over a girl, but he had cried over me....

    it was sweet considering what a "tough guy" he was...

  7. he would write me poems and text me everyday and he would tell me that i was a lovely girl, i was beautiful and that its something he really liked bout me lol

  8. How much he adores me and how lovable I am, and how beautiful I am... he says it every day... *happy sigh*

  9. Now you get on top.

    Lazy *****.

  10. He told me I was beautiful. . .

  11. love ya on a note

  12. He texted me saying "It's 3:45AM and I can't sleep because I'm thinking of you". Cheesy but sweet.

    He tells me that I always make him feel good and that he's very comfortable being around me.

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