
What's the most social reptile?

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I dont want a snake but i was thinking of getting a leopard gecko but some people say there not very friendly, I want to be able to hold it without it getting mad. Any suggestions?




  1. I highly recommend the leopard gecko!!!

  2. the friendliest lizard i ever had was a bearded dragon, but most as long as you respect their boundaries will be quite tame it is only people who over step the mark and don't look at the warning signs that have real problems with their reptiles, gecko's are lovely little lizards i personally have not had one but my friend did and she had no problem with it, as long as you take it slowly when you get one, it should get used to you and let you hold it with out problems

  3. iguanas love being held and loved..but they are very high mantinence

  4. most reptiles dont like to be held as much as you might like to hold them;..

    snakes tollerate it.. but I dont think they "LIKE" it..

    this one is pretty good though..

    check them out..  

  5. I would suggest a bearded dragon. They have great personalities! You could get one that's a year old or so and already used to being handled.

  6. Leopard Geckos are fine and will tolerate handling well if they are handled regularly.

    Another good one is Bearded Dragons.

    Babies often will struggle with handling, but with time and persistence they will become quite comfortable and good to handle.

  7. I would say a leopard gecko, you can play with them all day, they arent mean I played with them all day today I got bit, but he let go right away to realize the mistake he made, but they do not have teeth so it does not hurt if they bite you, they just mistake you for food

    -Hope I helped,


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