
What's the most special day in a person's life?

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What's the most special day in a person's life?




  1. Every dayb that you wake up and get to spend with your  family and friends.Don't ever take a day for granted,Robin

  2. The day they are born, because without that day now other day for them would exist!

  3. When they enable a child to achieve what everyone thought was impossible.

  4. The day they realize that they are responsible for the behaviors and choices that they make. It is a very freeing experience because you no longer have to try to control others around you. You only have to control yourself. I guess that is the day you grow up.

  5. It's a different day for different people.  I have many special days - the days my children were born, the day I met my husband, the day we married, the day he died, the days my grandchildren were born ... hard to choose just one.

  6. Each and every day that God gives us, is a very "special day." I wish you well. Peace, Love and God Bless.

  7. Today!

    That said...

    In the Middle Ages, when unhygienic water was dangerous, people were bathed at birth and when they died.  Rich people were bathed when they married.  A few were bathed for baptism.

    Other people have other important days, but those bath days make a pretty good list.

  8. Wow! Now that's a tough question, considering all the special events that occur in ones' lifetime. Looking back, I think the most special day in my life was driving my 1st car home....It was a red MACH-1 Mustang, 1969. It was at the time the hottest car I'd ever seen. My mama (after much begging) signed for me and I worked hard to pay that car off. I miss it to this day, and wish I had never traded it for that piece of junk I got next.

  9. I think the most special day can change at different stages in life. It might be your wedding day until you have children.

  10. The most special day in a person's life, totally depends on the person, what they like, who they are, where they are from.  It all depends on the person.

  11. the day u realize how many blessings r in ur life! not the money, clothes, who u hang with......but being happy, grateful, and doing something that makesu truly happy!!! count ur blessing !! u'd be amazed how simple life really is!!!

  12. the you your born

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