
What's the most you would pay?

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Here's a few scenarios, since the hockey section is really hurting for hockey questions this morning:

1) Your team has made their way to the Stanley Cup Finals. It's game 6 and your team is coming home, up 3-2 in the series. With a chance to see your favorite team lift the cup on their home ice, what is the MOST you would consider paying for tickets to the game? (assuming that you have perfectly good access to the game on TV if you are unable to attend)

2) Same scenario, but you're on the other end. You have 2 tickets to game 6, but you look around on the internet and see tickets being sold for a ridiculous amount of money. What is the LEAST that you would consider selling your tickets for?

I realize the most common answer to #2 is going to be "I wouldn't sell them for anything", but work with me & have a little fun here; maybe someone offers you season tickets for next year, or maybe someone with connections to your favorite player can get you any memorabilia you want (sticks, jerseys, first born, etc.). Go crazy! You know what they say... every man has his price.




  1. 1) If the Sabres ever made it that far (ha ha, they usually choke by that point)...I would be more than willing to pay $400-$500 for two good seats.

    2) I would not part with those tickets for anything under $1,000. Maybe a little less if they were nose bleeds. That is just too exciting to miss!

  2. 1) I'm not much in to crowds and actually prefer to watch an important game in my own controlled atmosphere.  I probably wouldn't be interested in purchasing the tickets.  I'll take the HD broadcast, my couch, a few pizzas and a crapload of wings and of course, a fridge full of beer.

    2) If I had the tickets in my possesion I would sell them to the highest bidder.  Making a profit is a must.  However, I would consider giving them to a family member or even to the make-a-wish foundation if I was feeling nice that day.

  3. I wouldn't pay more than face value, whatever that is, so I won't be seeing that game at the arena lol. I'd just watch it outside on the huge screen they'd set up.

    The only way I would sell them is if I cannot go, and I would try to get $400 each

  4.   1) Well being a season seat holder I would pay whatever price they set it at. Role playing here.. if I wasn't a season seat holder I guess depending on the section of the arena but I would say no more than $350 per ticket for lower bowl or $200 for uppers.

      2) If all I had were 2 tickets I guess I would say give me somewhere around $1000 ea and we might talk. I had game 7 WS tickets in 2002 and the day of the game I was offered $900 CASH! Waiting 28 years for the Angels to win a WS I seriously think someone would have had to offer me 10X'S that to even consider the offer.

        In 2007 When the Ducks clinched in game 5 vs. Ottawa... Same thing.. How do you sell your tickets when it may be your teams first title, cup or championship?  I guess I have be lucky to see a WS clincher and a Cup clincher in person.  

  5. 1) i'm really poor and i dont feel like getting a loan to watch hockey game. i would just watch from home on tv.

    2)i wouldnt sell them unless i could get an ovechkin autographed stick and jersey.

  6. 1) Half the money I made from reffing this summer, which would be aroudn $400.  That way I'd still have lots left over.  If it were my moms money though, I'd spend alot more.  

    2)$500.  Actually, probably alot more than that, because when the Leafs finally make it to finals, it'll be a once in a lifetime thing, and worth way more than that.

  7. i wouldn't spend more than $300 for 2 tickets.  though i would LOVE to see my team play in such a game, i can't justify spending more than that when there are so many other things the $ could go towards.  i'm happy watching at home anyway, no line to get a beer, nice, clean bathroom access whenever i want....

    it depends how i obtained the tickets to sell.  if i got them for free, i'd probably just charge face value for them.  if i had paid for them but for whatever reason couldn't use them, i'd charge at least what i paid.  i'd probably just put them on ebay or something and let people fight for them.  

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