
What's the name for the tasselled thing that loops down between shoulder and neck in ceremonial uniforms?

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It loops down between the outside corner of the epaulet and the neck, I think, and then the tassels hang down.

Also, what was its original purpose?




  1. In the marine corps we call it the french fourragere.  it is only authorized to be worn by the marines serving in the 5th and 6th marine regiments.  its merely an award or decoration for combat service. it dates back to Napoleon

  2. Are you talking of a baby blue braided cord?  Or a red-green cord?

    If it is baby blue, from epaulet to armpit, it is infantry.

    If it is red-green, from epaulet to armpit, it is Frances acknowledgment the the US Army, specifically the 3rd Infantry Division "Rock of the Marne", saved their asses a few times.  Sometimes called a Fourragère Croig De Geuree -- or 'Cross of War' in a rough translation.

  3. Its called a lanyard, its original purpose was a pull through to clean the barrel of a breach loading cannon , or later howitzer

  4. Brassiere.

    But women wear them more than just with ceremonial uniforms.

    Most women wear them with everything for support .

  5. A lanyard, originally in the British Army worn by gunners of the Royal Atillery - it was the fuse which lit the gun powder which fired the cannon etc.

    A lanyard

  6. In the Navy the RDC's Recruit division commander weres one that is blue and the second in command weres red. In the fleet Bostwains mates were a white or black one aroun their neck depending on the dress uniform

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