
What's the name of this bar near Bond Street Station...?

by  |  earlier

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... it's not pretentious, just a big pub. A bit gothicky and the downstairs is like a library - you have to push a bookshelf to find the toilets (which was NOT funny the first time I needed a wee)

I always try to find it but never do. Its directly off Oxford Street




  1. THE Old Library?

  2. burger king!!!!! duh!!!

  3. Hi, the pub in question is the Marlborough Head, 24, North Audley St, W1K 6WB. This street is just about opposite Selfridges.

    We tend to sit downstairs, but are kind and tell people how to get into the loo - usuallly!

    A few years back the place was invaded by spectators from Hyde Park who had been to a concert. They were just using the pub for the loo, so we did take pleasure in watching them stroll round the place looking!! Hope this was not you.

    This pub is part of the Eerie pub chain, certainly one of the better ones.

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