
What's the name of this book?

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It's about a black divorce christian woman who has a 16 or 17 year old daughter who gets pregnant. The mother finds out and is embarrassed and ashamed and she ends up having a stroke. Their are a few more main characters that are women with their own problems too. please someone help!




  1. You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck .


  2. Is it any of these?

    Moon Women

    Pamela Duncan

    First-novelist Duncan tells a story of three generations of Southern women-a divorced mill worker, her pregnant teen daughter, and her aging mother with dementia-and how they find peace with each other and with their changing lives. The book’s appeal lies in its beautifully rendered Southern voice, flawlessly pitched and paced.

    The Bad Mother’s Handbook

    Kate Long

    Seventeen-year-old Charlotte Cooper is pregnant when she’s dumped by her boyfriend. Her divorced mom, Karen, is thirty-three and sees Charlotte’s prospects fading, as hers faded when she was a pregnant teen. Grandma Nan is suddenly, seriously forgetful. This bestseller in the U.K. introduces three spirited women negotiating the stages of motherhood.

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