
What's the name of this movie???

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Yesterday while I was watching The Bourne Ultamatum, I remembered this movie that was about a cop or something like that, and the end she was "Pregnant" and she got stabbed in the stomach with a pair of scissors by the guy that knocked her up, and she took the scissors and stabbed him, does this sound familier???




  1. Taking Lives/ Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke.

  2. Dial M for Murder

    Grace Kelly stabs the burglar sent by her murderous husband to kill her with scissors she grabs from the desk

  3. Yap2! It's Taking Lives with Angelina Jolie as the profiler!

    After she stabbed him, she revealed that her whole pregnancy was a hoax... It's one d**n smart Angie's movie.

  4. well i can tell that somebody already told you what the name is.. and dang i love that movie now i want to see it..  

  5. taking lives with ethan hawke and angie..good flick

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