
What's the nastiest chemical you can name?

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Mine is radium hydroxide. Imagine throwing a big chunk of THAT into a swimming pool....




  1. Maitotoxin. Produced by the Gambierdiscus Toxicus micro-organism. It is the most potent toxin known to man, and a few nano-grams will kill you.

  2. radium hydroxide too

    If uranium is chemical, then also that

  3. Acetone peroxide.

    Highly explosive, highly unstable and unfortunately can be made by a moron with a bathtub.

  4. thallium sulphate is rotten horrible stuff. i unfortunately have to use ALOT of it in my research and i **** myself every time i open the bottle.

    triosmium dodecacarbonyl is pretty horrible in the way that 2g costs about €1000 half my years chemical budget.

    gave myself carbon monoxide poisoning by dropping a winchester of dichloromethane on myself and most of it sunk into me. whats weird about that is i got alot on my feet and within about a second i could taste it.

    hate hate HATE working with mercury and then i found out some butt-hole spilled a LOAD down the sink and never reported it.

    osmium tetroxide is probably the worst i've used though. inhaling levels that you couldn't even smell can lead to pulmonary edema and it can also stain the cornea and lead to blindness. wicked horrible stuff altogether.

  5. Hydrogen smells like rotten eggs

  6. I'm not a huge fan of hydrofluoric acid.  If exposed it sinks into your skin and digests your bones.  Basically it kills you from the inside out, and takes hours to do so.  but put your palm or foot into a puddle of it and you know your toast, but have 4 or 5 hours to suffer for it.

  7. 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. not excessively poisonous but the name itself can kill you.

  8. Sodium Chloride

  9. Hydrochloric acid..............I think thats a chemical.

  10. Rubber in its natural state also known as Isoprene, C5H8, or 2-methylbut-1,3-diene.

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