
What's the next important date in your life?

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What's the next important date in your life?




  1. For me it will be 1st October when I see a doctor who will decide if I need an operation or not  :(

  2. My brothers birthday

  3. October 13th, My 1st year wedding anniversary. It's paper, so i going to by here a newspaper. (But then there might not be a 2nd year anniversary)

  4. Nov. 7th, our 39th anniversary

  5. 12th sept last time (that i know of) that ill see my best friend before uni

    18th sept last night out round hear before uni

    19th sept i move in to my uni accommodation that afternoon

    they are the 3 next big days  

  6. My 16th birthday which is in exactly 3 months :)

  7. Not sure, never really check the calender.

  8. exam exam exam

    victory, I hope

  9. September 11th, the 8th anniversary at my job, woohoo!

    Ah, but no one will remember 'cept me.

  10. October 31, my brother gets married


  11. The date that something important happens.

  12. Tomorrow god willing! Not trying to sound cliche but I live one day at a time so I can cherish all life has to offer

  13. my dauhgter is 8 on the 18th happy birthday ruby

  14. 12th September.   Off to Gran Canaria on holiday.

  15. the date i collect my bus pass

  16. I can't think of one at the moment, it will have to be Christmas until something else important crops up.

  17. My Death, lol.!!!


  18. The next one i go on :)

  19. November 20th. My oldest child will be 14! DANG! I'm getting old!

  20. When I start back at college on 17th Sept

  21. I was going to the dentist tomorrow but put it off until the 17th.

  22. my birthday!!!

    it's next month!~~~

  23. i have a date with the window cleaner tomorrow- it's important he does a good job..

  24. Sept 12 , 2008

    ( My Birthday )

  25. My Birthday Tomorrow.

  26. date?

    hmm the 14th :]

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