
What's the next step for the U.S. Government in abusing power?

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We've seen the CIA turn over foreign leaders (based on disclosed information such as Iran in 1973, etc.).

We've seen a string of wars since 1945.

We've seen unnecessary and essentially evil military acts (early 1990s trade embargo bombings of water treatment plants and embargo of water-purifying chemicals intended to create social disorder to overthrow Hussein - just search it in google, it was Osama's major reason for 9/11).

We've seen the Patriot Act and new congressional approvals protecting phone companies accused of assisting in violation of privacy and security.

We've seen congress repeatedly turn over their war powers to the president, a strictly unconstitutional act.

Now, we're seeing the U.S. violate missile defense agreements with Russia that essentially disseminated the cold war.

And furthermore, we've seen the U.S. overall exceed its powers and condense its powers toward the Presidency (Monarchy?).

What's the next step? Provoke Iran?




  1. Serendipity is right!

    The next steps are already ordained by the Bush Junta:

    Iran - a false flag operation, probably involving Israel to drag the US into another war, possibly leading to WW3 and probably involving nukes according to USAF planners who went public.

    A declaration of a state of emergency in the US to strip its citizens of their final rights.

    A global economic crash a la 1929, leading to mass poverty for millions of ordinary Americans - and fabulous wealth for the international banking set running the Federal reserve.

    US politics is great isn't it...

  2. I'm waiting for the next National Emergency.  When the President will declare Martial Law.*t...

    If that's not what they're planning for us than why do they have the Executive Order?

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