
What's the one thing you'd change about yourself that's the most important to you in life-be honest.

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What's the one thing you'd change about yourself that's the most important to you in life-be honest.




  1. I'd change my mood swings, i can be perfectly fine and one minute later i'll be in the mood to argue for no reason or just be a complete *****! i just dont get it!!

    and the most important thing to me in life is making my family proud. Especially my Mum. & I'd like to think i'm doing my Dad proud.


  2. would have gotten a PHD in history, my love!!!!

  3. I'd probably change the fact that i tend to lie about stupid things... im a very big show-off so sometimes i base myself on lies. being honest is very important to me and when i get lied to, i blow a fit. sumtimes, i need to stop lying because i know how it feels and it gets people frustrated.. so yeahh...

  4. Emm everything? haha

    i would want a new face

    new clear skin

    be taller (im only 5'6) :(

    be super toned

    hair nicer brown coloured hair

    have eyes that dont need contacts haha

    get rapid surgery everywhere

    be more naturally tanned

    i want brown eyes instead of blue

    pritty much a new me ?

    and i would change the way i think about myself all the time haha for example that ^^ lol

  5. I would have more self would make a world of difference in my life  and the decisions I have made in the past ~

  6. I would change the color of my wall and I would marry Joe Jonas and I would be famous and lead singer with Joe Jonas!  My wall is pink because I used to be a girly girl, but I want a wall that is black with the words I love Joe Jonas painted all over it in a medium colored blue.  I am 9 so I am not married yet, but in the future I want to marry Joe Jonas!

  7. I'd be as healthy as an ox, instead of being riddled with Fibromyaliga and several other auto-immune diseases that rob me of quality time with my family and interests.  I'd be disease-free, pain-free, and a force to be reckoned with, as I was before I got sick..

    I was a good force, though, sort of like the Good Witch of the East!  <G> Still, my pain and frailty have given me limits, though it has evolved my spirituality.  (The silver lining in the clouds, methinks.)

  8. I would be less competitive! As a high school computer programmer, I am always trying to beat other high school computer programmers around the world in difficult contests. But this could be self-defeating, because I actually learn best when I'm not trying to beat anybody!

    How come the answerers to this question are predominantly female? Maybe women have higher intrapersonal intelligence... this disappoints me, as a member of the male gender...

    @ Joe Jonas' future wife: You are not allowed to be on Y!A at your age.

  9. My b*****s, I want them cut off. Hate them. They're to big. Seriously.

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