
What's the one thing you regretted the most?

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What's the one thing you regretted the most?




  1. Being Indecisive.

  2. Marrying my ex husband, but if I didn't things wouldn't have ended up as they are now, so I supposed I should just consider my marriage a temporary annoyance...

  3. marrying my husband

  4. getting drunk when i was 10

  5. I most regret not finishing my degree when I was younger.

  6. Thinking at any time that I was better than anyone else.

  7. not realizing what i had until it was long gone....

  8. Putting my friends before family. I felt like such a tool.

  9. Setting that boat on fire and watching them Haitians panic

  10. Having that three-some with my best friend and her husband... It ruined our friendship for life. Never the same again... never will be.

    Don't ever do it if you are thinking about it... And don't drink too much red wine... your judgment will be misguided and you can't take back what you did during that time.

  11. being alive

  12. When face problems being sincere and when pople exploit.*

  13. nothing. to me everything in life is good and it is for me. so i hav no regrets.

  14. Dissing this guy who I really like, just because I was nerves

  15. listining to other peoples advice.

  16. Dropping out of college.

  17. seeing someone really special after so many years of friendship... and not being able to tell something...  imagine 11 years...

  18. not ever talking more with my uncle....he died without notice.... i never rlly tlked to him.... i wish that i could of... cuz he died the day before my b-day

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