
What's the paranormal story behind "shadow wolf"?

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I'm not a sensitive at all, but i have freinds who are very sensitive.One of them recently told me something dark was following me around. He said it's still weak, but it's feeding off my energy, and he called it a "shadow wolf". Another friend of mine told me he has also been seeing it, but couldnt really tell me more than that. Idk if this has anything to do with it, but a few weeks ago my bf at the time was spending the night and said he saw my father staring at him from the doorway in his dream...(my father has been dead for 14 years). P.S. he didnt know what my father looked like, but described him perfectly including the fact that he smoked (which i didnt even know till I asked my mother)...after he told me about this i went to take a shower and when I got out there was a heart drawn in the fog on the mirror.




  1. Your friends are full of it.  They have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.  They have invested belief in imaginary mythological creatures that exist only in the daydreams and imaginations of those who believe in them.  They are also demonstrating a detatchment from reality and an ignorance of the world around them.  I would discourage you to disregard anything they have to say.  Superstitious people are such a waste of time and (real, not imaginary) energy.

  2. scary. maybe it is a sign that you father wants to protect you. and the heart in the mirror, sound scary and it could be your father tell you that he wants to protect you from the shadow wolf.

  3. There isn't one. It's the name of a branch of werewolves from the Crimson Moon Novels by L.A. Banks. That's the information I gathered.

  4. explain in detail

  5. I have to agree with Peter mostly.  There will always be people who are supposedly in the know or have powers. Take their advise with a grain of salt. If you believe these things they can cause many problems in your life.  Take control of your life and refuse to listen. If you have to do a banishing ritual for yourself to help you believe you have ride yourself of this.

    Now there are certain facts like we can be influenced by the emotions of others and these negative emotions cause us harm. Whenever we are drained by others they are labeled a psychic vampire because they drain us of our positive emotions. We can protect ourselves from this and other bad energy by simply being positive and yes being positive sometimes takes a lot of work, but well worth it.


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