
What's the penalty for knowlingly using an expired health insurance card?

by Guest57970  |  earlier

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Ex husband using old card from wife's group coverage 2 yrs after divorce! Wife gets statements from insurance co showing recent visits.




  1. insurance ready to contact a lawyer and hopefully settle to pay the amount that was used.

  2. As in penalties for cheating, deception, fraud.

  3. Well, if they're paying for it, it's not expired!!

    BUT, when they find out about the divorce (the ex wife should have notified them at the time the divorce became final) they can bill her, the subscriber, for all the claims they paid out, that they shouldn't have.

    She'd best get this fixed ASAP by calling them, and getting him off her plan.

  4. if it;s really expired the doctor's staff should have called a Customer service rep. before hand to check benefit& eligibility. Because than... if active and he's listed, than power to him...but if canceled or he's not listed no harm done the doctor will just send him packing. unfortunately not all offices check B&E  ahead of time. But in your example He'll probably have to pay for the charges 'Cause the claim would be denied, but it would probably be sent to the wife, and she'd be pissed. Got only knows what she'll do.

  5. insurance fraud, very bad thoing to do, basicaly ur life will be screwed over. DONT DO IT!! DONT!!!

  6. simple. you use the insurance policy that you have no rights to benefits under = you are liable for ALL charges.. and if the insurance company accidentally pays the claims, they will sue for the money paid in error.

    two years down the road, he shouldnt even be active on that policy, so this really is a moot point.

  7. The penalty would be that the insurance company takes back the money that they've paid the doctor for those fraudulent claims, and the ex-husband has to pay the bills himself.

    The insurance company *could* charge the ex-husband with fraud and/or theft. Whether they will or not remains to be seen.

    I'm wondering why the ex-husband's card still was accepted at the doctor's, though. Didn't the wife ever let the insurance company know that she was changing her coverage? Usually it's a requirement of the insurance company that you notify them within 30 days of any change in status.

  8. The statements probably show that he is not covered, and he will end up getting billed by the doctor.  No biggie.

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