
What's the penalty for this? Could there be jail involved?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin's wife does not have a driver's license, but she drives all the time because they have six kids and they need to get around town, to school, et cetera.

She is from the Philippines, and I think she's here legally, but I don't know. I really can't think why she'd avoid getting her license otherwise, because she is fluent in English and she's been here for about five years.

Anyway, what is the penalty for driving without a license in the state of Michigan? She wouldn't end up having to go to jail, would she?




  1. it's a fine and or jailtime.  I'm from Michigan and drove without my license once, and I was a licensed Michigan driver at the time, and the police officer told me that he could take me to jail for simply driving without proof of my license but he just gave me a warning instead.   So jailtime would be likely in the case of an unlicensed driver driving in Michigan.

  2. There not going to put a mom of six in jail for that. Not in Michigan, maybe in a backwards state like Texas.

    However, I think you hit on the real reason and it's just a matter of time.  

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