It strikes me that climate models are a pointless waste of time, no matter what your viewpoint is, because, as the climate is so unbelievably complex, it is impossible to make accurate predictions of the future.
This is shown in the huge variation in the IPCC models: more than 4oC variation - they can't all be right and no-one knows which one is, so the number any one comes out with is all but useless.
You might say any ONE is useless but TOGETHER, we can build a picture of the future, but that's saying "the central value for the warming without error bars, is 3 degrees give or take a couple of degrees": it's just pointless.
Also, when models have predicted way over the mark of real temperature change, we just sya, "oh well we didn't know as much about modeling 10 years ago as we do today", but what's the point in a prediction you never assess the accuracy of, because in the future, when we, inevitably, miss the mark we will once again say we didn't know as much about it