
What's the point of a war?

by Guest61023  |  earlier

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What are people fighting for?

For god sakes, can anything be done to stop the wars in the world?!




  1. the point of war is to spend billions of $, while simultaneously killing thousands, in order to try to solve a situation which will probably become worst because of the war. theyre also a way for countries to show off their military powers.

  2. What are people fighting for?   Power and Wealth!

    I hope to see a peaceful world too.

  3. why are you against it? if we didnt have war sadam would be in charge and osama bin laden would be at large and russia would have basecally taken over the world soooo stop you complaining and be thank ful we are doing something about where the world is going

         *strenghth and honor* when you cant run anymore you walk, when you cant walk anymore you crawl, when you cant crawl any more you find someone to carry you

  4. Usually for their lives. Depends on the war.

  5. almost all war is pointless.

    If a nation is oppressed by a corrupt, cruel government, the people of that nation should take up arms against that government.

    We just pick what looks like a good side, throw bullets and money at the situation, and hope there's not enough of either left for them to use on us when they realize we can't find the exit and leave when we've worn out our welcome

  6. Wars are about resolution, solving problems.

    The military performs one of two root symbolic functions, they built walls and they build roads.

    You can't un-ring a bell, we're in it now, nothing to it but to do it.

  7. to keep are freedom

  8. Mankind has created and endured wars for as long as recorded history and the conflict of war has been a prime item in the Christian Bible, Torah, and Quran as well as the scriptures of most religions.

    Over the past four thousand years there are few decades in which there was not war somewhere on the planet. Given that perspective, it would appear that we are unable to stop wars as a human endeavor.

    Wars are fought to resolve, with force, issues which arise from man's most common flaws : greed, covet, intolerance, wrath, envy (sound like the seven deadly sins?)  portrayed in the dynamics of group behavior. Yes, the claim for defense is plausible but it usually isn't so neatly sought or achieved.

    What is the point of war? It is that ugly but practical concept that might makes right. War is the ultimate expression of might.

  9. not all wars are bad...there have been wars that have been beneficial Like Americans Revolutionary war.    No there is nothing that can be done to stop all the wars in the world..unless we became the planet of Utopia. There is always going to be conflicts between nations like land, or Religion.  

  10. To keep a bunch of psychopathic nut jobs from killing innocent people.  

  11. Most people fight wars for freedom. Nothing can stop wars since violence is a basic human instinct.

  12. to use bombs so more smarter ones can be made

    ban religions most are based on intolerant religions

  13. i think if everyone smoked more weed there would be less war

  14. lets put it this way, say the us gets a president thats against war but some other country is under a leader who is for it, the other country (lets just say iraq) is mad at the us for some reason or vise versa. The us will get attacked but wont fight back, therefore, the us will be destroyed.

    There isn't alot of point in war, especially the iraq war. its dumb.

    Support our troops. end the war.

  15. There is no point to it! Governments feuding so let the common folk suffer! What is so great about killing thousands of people? My uncle served in the Gulf War and after he remained in the Army. He is going to Afghanistan in September for one year. If he dies I'm blaming his death on Mr. Bush.

  16. The wars are for seteling the rules here.

  17. There are several theories about this. Personally, I believe in the economic theory-- that all conflicts are somehow connected to economic reasons. You can look at any war in history, and trace it to an economic cause-- from the battles in ancient Greece (securing resources) to Hitler's expansionism (the Great Depression hit Germany really hard) to the Cold War (military industry in Russia and the West were vital in expanding economies). I'm not getting this from a far left or far right source. Most legitimate, good history books acknowledge economic factors as driving the world.

  18. you truly don't know what people are fighting for? how old are you?

  19. someone's ego needs to be stroked. they have to believe they are in control. people who start wars are like men who have a great need to be the head of the house regardless if he has a brain or not regardless if he has a job or not.

  20. i know. i don't get it either. i wish that people would just live in peace. sometimes people do something that makes others mad, so they want revenge. but i wish that they would just fix their problems with talking. and not violence. i hate wars so much. if i could, i would just end it all.  

  21. That's a question that will always be asked  

  22. you people need a clue. Russia did what ? Took over satellite countries like the Czeck republic while the world did nothing. Germany attacked its neighbor Russia, occupied France, etc, etc, etc

    I shouldn't have to go over all the past wars to show you idiots that some men are dictators, are ruthless and greedy etc etc.

    Who's going to stop them ? little miss ask a question on Y/A going to hold a bake sale to stop them ?

    These men laugh at you. They do'nt care what you think, they walk in with guns and blow people away that stand in their way. Saddam use to pick people up at night and throw them in grinders or mass burial graves. He also used mustard gas on the Kurds.

    Just what are you going to do to stop them ? Whine ? Cry ? turn on your TV and pretend autrosities aren't happening in the world ?

    Look at Africa...a place of not many useful resources.... the kilings in Rwanda, the ethnic cleansing going on in whole areas,....yet the international community by and large ignore it.

    If you liberals and socialists want to push toward a one world nation, you'll have to care about every human in the world, not just your back yard. You'll have to bring the backward 7th century islamic nation up the the 21st century, you'll have to have a contingincy plan to put down the Hugo Chavez's of the world that have power and want more. You'll have to do more than look the other way when China violates more human rights as i'm sure they will in the future.

    For those of us that are content with the world as it is, proud to be an American though......we are some of the best people in the land. We give more to charity than any other nation. We establisted the red cross, we are the one's that offer aid to others even when our own economy is stretched.

    The point of war ? To removed the evil from places of power. Plain and simple, don't over think it. So when you come up with a plan that will do the same...without violence...without war...I'm sure that the Pentagon will be all ears...Until then, don't play with the lives of people by acting anti - war when history is full of it working.

  23. No human being who has any sense of compassion for other life wants to fight a war.  Most people are peaceful and just want to enjoy life.  But there are a few who have much more sinister ambitions.  The point of war has a meaning for each side that is engaged in war.  For instance during WWII Germany wanted to dominate the entire eastern world and subjectgate all other countries under its will and authority.  The Allied countries that resisted German fought for their freedom and the right run and manage themselfs as a country. The sad fact is there are very cruel and inhuman people in the world that have only one purpose in life and that usually turns out to be killing innocent civillians and trying to subjectgate them under their will and authority depriving them of their rights a human being.  The real problem begins when these kinds of people get into positions of great influence or power and use it to force their will on people. If good people do not stand together and fight the evil and inhuman people then everyone will suffer and it could go on for 100's of years.  When evil, aggressive, and hostile countries try to dominate other countries and deprive the people of that country of their is the responsibility of the Global Community to show courage in the face of Evil and Danger and reject and fight for our rights a human beings.  The cost of Freedom comes with a price and so does the cost of apathy.  Think about it.

  24. When ever there is a war there is someone wanting something form somebody else that they won't give or are just pissed off

    But there are also dictators witch want to rule everything so as long as there is a some idiot in control there will always be wars and we will fight the third world war with sticks and stones  

  25. The point is to kill people.  There will always be war as long as there are people because the people in charge are idiots.

  26. there has been war and fighting since the dawn of man. I bet there isn't a period in history of more than 10 years where there hasn't been conflict. wars terrible theres no question about it but theres not going to be anything to be done to stop war. but thats not to say we shouldn't try  

  27. People are fighting for territory and beliefs. Unfortunatly that's our nature. One big peeing contest. As long as you and I can have a different opinion about something, there will always be war.

  28. War is used as a means to ensure the efficient distribution and use of scarce resources by taking them from the weak and giving them to the strong.  

    We thought you should know.

  29. It instills pride in people, when their military kills others (pride is NOT a virtue)

    It's sold by fear, so people support it when there is no rational justification.

    It means a ton of money is spent on bombs and guns, meaning profits for the rich, rather then being wasted on the working class and the poor, with better education and health care.  

    It distracts....who can think about improving health care or the real issues each of us face (declining wages, etc), when there is (FEAR) a war going on?    Yet, really, was Iraq a threat to us?   Of course not.

    It's used to support corporate interests overseas.   Overthrowing, destabilizing and threateing foreign governments to make sure they stay in line and sell whatever they have (oil, labor, natural resources, etc)....CHEAP.  

    If you really want to understand this....I recommend reading books by Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn.   They explain the real reason for what our governments do.

    Iraq, in particular, can be explained by the Project for the New American Century.   This was a group of neo-Conservative Republicans who realized the US power in the world was declining, and saw the control of oil (keeping it from China, etc) could maintain US power.   This is why they pushed for the war, and bases, in Iraq....and hope to extend that to the whole Middle East eventually.   Google (project for a new American century) to learn more.

  30. To see who gets to write the history books.

  31. People fight because they don't agree on something, so they end up fighting about it, and the one that wins gets to use his decision.

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