
What's the point of all this ****?

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Seriously, if there is a God, why is he letting all this bullshit happen to the world? Why doesn't he do something?

I don't understand what is happening with life. If there isn't a God, then what? Is science right? Will the sun eventually blow up and kill us all?

So we sit here and wait for answers.... we kill each other and wait.... where does that leave us?

I get sooo frustrated when I think of these things! I can't stand it! God or no God? What will happen when we die? Do we cease to exist? Do we move on to heaven or h**l? Do we move onto another body? WTF people?

Also, let's say we completely cease to exist when we die. What will happen later on down the road with our future generations? If science is correct, then we will all die in a massive explosion of our sun. We are sooo screwed as a race, it's incomprehensible. Where is God when we need him most? We are alone. We are a floating rock in the middle of an unimaginably large universe. What now?

This scares me. R u scared?




  1. this is a religious Q, not phil.

  2. So what? That we are shaking in our boots for what purpose?

    Being scared do nothing to change our situation one bit.

    If that's not the end we want, perhaps we should find a way through it, leading us to a different universe, may be even go back in time to create another universe / Big Bang.

    To think of the scientific implication, at lease we have billions of years to solve those problems as a race.  Life is full of pleasures and sufferings, enjoy the experience while life lasts, but don't be too greedy about wanting more time.

    If we would not accept the term as presented then we are leading our thoughts into suffering as human beings.  That would be the saddest thing we cold do to ourselves.

  3. the sun has another 6 billion years left..i'm not too worried about the sun

  4. Fear is the first natural of a person seeking knowledge,so don't worry about it.

    What would you have God do?would you have God micro manage every ones life so that nothing ever went wrong? don't you want freedom?

    Science states that energy is never created nor destroyed.Given that premise in light of the face that we are energetic beings we will go on existing in one form or another.

    Heaven and h**l? those are descriptions of something that no one can describe.

    Life is to be experienced we are living to be aware and to perceive all  this beauty that surrounds us..Take the time to stop thinking so much and just look out on the world and marvel at the wonder of it all, for it can never be explained or understood.

    The reason I don't worry about death is because everything dies and out of death comes life.don't you realize that without  death there would not be fertile soil?

    Don't be afraid nor disparaged

    Be content to take your place in the scheme of things .

  5. People are scared because of the unknown and fear. Yes things scare me and I have fears too. If there is a God the only thing that he dose is watch over us foolish humans that he created. Nothing more and nothing less. I myself hope that mankind will leave this space and find new planets to live on.

  6. The fact that you ask these questions shows you have good intelligence.  All the answers are given in Ancient Vedas which are the original "How too books given at the time of creation.

    Frankly the sceintists can only speculate and theire theories change again and agai. So why trutst them. The Vedas make all sens. In a nut shell one has to understand that

    We are not this material body, IE; Race, color, nationality, Religion, mind, intellect, senses, job, etc. We are all eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc.  We never die, only this mortal body dies. This material world is not our real home, it is called Maya (illusion) and is temporary and full of misery, only one fourth of the souls come here, and the rest are enjoying blissful eternal loving relationships with our Maker named above. We fell here due to envying Gods position.  He made the material world for those who want to try to live separately from Him (Which is impossible because He is actually everywhere).  After many lifetimes of trying to be happy in this temporary world, one becomes frustrated and board and begins to question their existence. We then seek out real happiness, and when one becomes sincere God reveals how to come back Home. Those who are intelligent, take up the process of self realization (Bhakti Yoga), which begins with the chanting of the Maha Mantra, (the great mantra for deliverance from all suffering and illusion), which gives one real peace, happiness and reality. (see my profile for a link for all info on this mantra). Then at the end of life, they can give up all material attachments and fully surrender to God and return to the eternal Kingdom, where there is no more birth, death, old age, or disease and be eternally happy. For info. Go to Read Bhagavad Gita- As it is by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada  asitis.c  you can read it on line.  Also the Science of Self realization is  full of all answers to your questions. I feel fully satisfied in and understand these things now. I am not scared any more.

    Hope you check it out. One should know things as they are and be free from all doubt.

    Peace to you spirit soul.

  7. The secret is that all you yearn to understand and know is already in you... you simply have to stop to find it. Monks, mystics and yogis are the experts in this field.

    This resource explains it in terms ot the Original Kingdom Gospel (nothing at all like the "gospel" we hear these days): That book gets into these ultimate mysteries. It sounds like you are ready for some answers... so that's the one I recommend.

  8. I've used this argument before:

    There are two basic ways to look at life:

    1). "The Universe is a fascinating place -- I wonder how it works."

    2). "The world is a place full of death and misery -- I think I'll hide over here til it's over."

    A worldview is not a conscious decision, it is an instinct.

  9. There isn't any point in all of this, i think & that doesn't scare me. Life is ugly and beautifull at the same time.

    Who cares if there's a God or not and what happens after you die. life now, at this very moment, with a lot of people on this earth.

    Make for this short moment in time on earth the best of it.

    Love  your life and  love the people around you.

  10. No, I am not scared, but then I am 61 years old. God is always near through prayer. Try finding this book, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Harold S. Kushner. It might explain things for you. God gave us free will and what happens to us, we bring upon ourselves. And if you truly believe in God, you already know what happens to us when we die. Try to find that book.

  11. You need to just stop for a minute and think about what you are asking.The answers you will get on here will be other individuals views in what you ask,some will say God exists others will say he doesn't .

    Yes one day the Sun will die and with it life on Earth ,Everything ends ,even the Universe will cease to exist on day ,either it will continue to expand and just dissepate or it will end in a big crunch

    Do you think after death we continue to exist in another form or not,only you can answer that question .

  12. ..."****!!!* don't know about you, im enjoying my life... not thinking about being scared i have positive things on my mind...and things to do too...

  13. Maybe I am somewhat but I am not obsessed.  Because I believe in the living God of Jesus Christ  and what his word Say's    Man has a will of their own and their is a road map called the Bible, and if we try and follow it to the best of our ability there is nothing to concern our selves with.  life is beautiful yet challenging. We have trials and tribulation,  but Jesus says I have over come the world so cheer up! and Victory is mine says the Lord, and death where is your sting Yes there is a after life and h**l So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess your sins before men and you to can be save from death and damnation.

  14. …The civilization now in jeopardy is all humanity. As the ancient myth makers knew, we are children equally of the earth and sky. In our tenure of this planet, we have accumulated dangerous, evolutionary baggage -- propensities for aggression and ritual, submission to leaders, hostility to outsiders, all of which puts our survival in some doubt. We have also acquired compassion for others, love for our children, a desire to learn from history and experience, and a great, soaring passionate intelligence -- the clear tools for our continued survival and prosperity.

    Which aspects of our nature will prevail is uncertain, particularly when our visions and prospects are bound to one small part of the small planet earth. But, up and in the cosmos an inescapable perspective awaits. National boundaries are not evidenced when we view the earth from space. Fanatic ethnic or religious or national identifications are a little difficult to support when we see our planet as a fragile, blue crescent fading to become an inconspicuous point of light against the bastion and citadel of the stars.

    There are not yet obvious signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, and this makes us wonder whether civilizations like ours rush inevitably into self-destruction. I dream about it . . . and sometimes they are bad dreams.

    In the vision of the dream I once imagined myself searching for other civilizations in the cosmos. Among a hundred billion galaxies and a billion trillion stars, life and intelligence should have arisen in many worlds; some worlds are barren and desolate. On them life never began or may have been extinguished in some cosmic catastrophe. There may be worlds rich in life not yet evolved to intelligence and high technology; there may be civilizations that achieved technology and then promptly used it to destroy themselves; and, perhaps, there are also beings who learn to live with their technology and themselves, beings who endure and become citizens of the cosmos.

    Immersed in these thoughts, I found myself approaching a world that was clearly inhabited, a world I had visited before. I saw a planet encompassed by light and recognized the signature of intelligence. But, suddenly, darkness -- total and absolute.

    In my dream, I could read the "Book of Worlds", a vast encyclopedia of a billion planets within the Milky Way. What could the galactic computer tell me about this now darkened world? They must have survived some earlier catastrophe. Their biology was different from ours. High technology. I wondered what those lights had been for; there must have been signs they were in trouble. The possibility of survival in a century -- less than one percent, not very good odds. Communications interrupted. Their world society had failed; they had made the ultimate mistake. I felt a longing to return to earth.

    The television transmissions from earth rushed past me, expanding away from our planet at the speed of light. Then suddenly -- silence, total and absolute. But the dream was not yet done.

    Had we destroyed our home? What had we done to the earth? There had been many ways for life to perish at our hands; we had poisoned the air and water; we had ravaged the land. Perhaps we had changed the climate. Could it have been a plague or nuclear war? I remembered the galactic computer. What would it say about the earth?

    There was our region of the galaxy; there was our world. I had found the entry for earth: HUMANITY: THIRD FROM THE SUN. They had heard our television broadcasts and thought them an application for cosmic citizenship. Our technology had been growing enormously (they got that right). Two hundred nation states, about six global powers, the potential to become one planet. Probability of survival over a century -- here, also, less than one percent. So, it was nuclear war, a full nuclear exchange.

    There would be no more big questions, no more answers. Never again a love or a child; no descendents to remember us and be proud; no more voyages to the stars, no more songs from the earth.

    I saw east Africa and thought, "a few million years ago we humans took our first steps there. Our brains grew and changed. The old parts began to be guided by the new parts, and this made us human -- with compassion and foresight and reason. But, instead, we listened to that reptilian voice within us, counseling fear, territoriality and aggression. We accepted the products of science; we rejected its methods".

    Maybe the reptiles will evolve intelligence once more. Perhaps, one day, there will be civilizations again on earth. There will be life, there will be intelligence; but there will be no more humans -- not here, not in a billion worlds.


    Every thinking person fears nuclear war, and every technological nation plans for it. Everyone knows its madness, and every country has an excuse. There is a dreary chain of causality. The Germans were working on the bomb at the beginning of World War II, so the Americans had to make one first. If the Americans had one, the Russians had to have one. Then the British, the French, the Chinese, the Indians, the Pakistanis. Many nations now collect nuclear weapons; they are easy to make. You can steal fissionable material from nuclear reactors. Nuclear weapons have almost become a home industry.

    The conventional bombs of World War II were called "blockbusters", filled with 20 tons of TNT they could destroy a city block. All the bombs dropped on all the cities during World War II amounted to some 2 million tons of TNT -- two megatons. Coventry, Rotterdam, Dresden and Tokyo -- all the death that rained from the skies between 1939 and 1945 -- a hundred thousand blockbusters, two megatons. Today, two megatons is the equivalent of a single thermonuclear bomb -- one bomb with the destructive force of the second world war. But there are tens of thousands of nuclear weapons. The missile and bomber forces in the Soviet Union and United States have warheads aimed at over 15,000 designated targets. No place on the planet is safe.

    The energy contained in these weapons -- genies of death, patiently awaiting the rubbing of the lamps -- totals far more than 10,000 megatons; but, with the destruction concentrated efficiently, not over six years but over a few hours. A blockbuster for every family on the planet; a World War II every second for the length of a lazy afternoon.

    The bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed 70,000 people. In a full nuclear exchange, in the paroxysm of global death, the equivalent of a million Hiroshimas would be dropped all over the world. And, in such an exchange not everyone would be killed by the blast and the fire storm and the immediate radiation. There would be other agonies. The loss of loved ones; the legions of the burned and blinded and mutilated; disease; plague; long-lived radiation poisoning the soil and the water; the threat of stillbirths and malformed children; and, the hopeless sense of a civilization destroyed for nothing. The knowledge that we could have prevented it and did nothing.

    The global balance of terror pioneered by the United States and the Soviet Union holds hostage all the citizens of the earth. Each side consistently probes the limits of the other's tolerance -- like the Cuban missile crisis, the testing of anti-satellite weapons, the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars. The hostile military establishments are locked in some ghastly mutual embrace, each needs the other but the balance of terror is a delicate balance with very little margin for miscalculation. And the world impoverishes itself by spending half a trillion dollars a year in preparations for war and by employing perhaps half the scientists and high technologists on the planet in military endeavors.

    How would we explain all this to a dispassionate, extraterrestrial observer? What account would we give of our stewardship of the planet earth?

    We have heard the rationales offered by the superpowers. We know who speaks for the nations; but who speaks for the human species? Who speaks for earth?

    From an extraterrestrial perspective, our global civilization is clearly on the edge of failure and the most important task it faces is preserving the lives and well-being of its citizens and the future habitability of the planet. If we are willing to live with the growing likelihood of nuclear war, shouldn't we also be willing to explore vigorously every possible means to prevent nuclear war? Shouldn't we consider in every nation major changes in the traditional ways of doing things, a fundamental restructuring of economic, political, social and religious institutions? We have reached a point where there can be no more special interests or special cases. Nuclear arms threaten every person on the earth.

    Fundamental changes in society are sometimes labeled impractical or contrary to human nature: as if nuclear war were practical or as if there were only one human nature. But fundamental changes can clearly be made. We are surrounded by them. In the last two centuries abject slavery, which was with us for thousands of years, has almost entirely been eliminated in a stirring world wide revolution. Women, systematically mistreated for millennia, are gradually gaining the political and economic power traditionally denied to them. And some wars of aggression have recently been stopped or curtailed because of a revulsion felt by the people in the aggressor nations. The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious chauvinism and to rabid nationalism are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet.

    One of the great revelations of the age of space exploration is the image of the earth, finite and lonely, somehow vulnerable, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of spa

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