
What's the point of degrees when your either one or the other?

by Guest65921  |  earlier

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Look at the degrees my Moon is in, am I Taurus or Aries? I'm Aries so what's the point of the degrees? Moon Aries 29°42'26

Also: Ascendant Libra 29°27'16 Am I either Libra Ascending or Scorpio? I know for sure it's Libra right? So what's the degree for?




  1. i dunno

  2. You're mixing two types of astrology...

    1. National Enquirer Astrology, in which supposedly you are one sign and you are supposed to be able to read what is going to happen to you every day of your life so long as you buy the magazine.

    2. Real Astrology, in which everyone has an interplay of 9 planets, 12 signs and 12 houses.

    Obviously in the first form degrees are useless. As a mater of fact, in the first form of astrology, everything is useless! Except entertainment value (hence Yahoo! has our section here under entertainment >.<)

    In the real form of astrology degrees are CRUCIAL. For example, your moon is in aries almost on the border of Taurus. This is called "Bhava-Sandhi" which means "Moving from one house to the next" - just like when you move it's a pain in the *** and you can't do any normal work, all you can do is move - a planet in this type of a degree has a hardtime doing anything at all.

    On the other hand, the extreme exaltation point for the moon is 3degrees of Taurus. You are basically only 3 degrees away from this point, so even though your moon is busy moving, she is in an awesome mood - moving to her very favorite place in the world. It would be much different if this was 29º of saggitarius.

    And EVEN MORE different if it was 29º of a water sign - which is a "border without bridges" and creates very intense, difficult and powerful effects.

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