
What's the point of drinking if your not going to get drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching something on the news, and they were talking about lowering the drinking age (which I think is great but thats another story) and they were also saying this was because college students are getting too drunk! Well I have too aggre since I've been to some of these partys first hand (i don't go to school, just attend the partys haha). But this won't stop people from getting drunk. I mean the whole point of drinking (atleast to me) is to get drunk. I mean you don't drink because it tastes good. Honestly, alcohol is one of the worst things I have ever tasted. Doesn't matter what brand or style it is, it tastes horrible to me. I would rather drink mud. But I drink because I want to get drunk. Thats my only point of drinking. Just like I drink coffie to stay awake. I never drink coffie because it tastes good. It tastes like dirt. If I was thirsty, I wouldn't go have a beer. I would have a glass of water. So my point is, who in the world doesn't drink to get drunk? I mean, you would have to cut out your tounge to be able to drink alcohol so causually!




  1. Well younger people tend to drink more because it's that rebellious thing where we can't do it so we do it anyway. That's why they want to lower it. And I drink socially. I'm your age. I drink socially and I do it for a little buzz but I don't like hangovers and **** since I work AND go to school so much so I do it just to do it. I don't like the feeling of being drunk. I like to have control lol. But there ARE reasons for drinking without getting drunk. Personally, the taste isn't bad to me lol. Once you drink enough beers, you don't taste it and I like mixed drinks (straight liquor too) and they honestly aren't half bad. It's weaklings who can't handle it ;-)

    -Later Gator-

  2. because i do NOT want a hangover. so i drink enough so that i don't....

  3. If you are asking this question, you are too young to drink.  

  4. THATS EXACTLY WHAT I SAY....u see if u dont drink then you cant talk to people in a party cuz they are in a complete different level of awareness...many people might not agree with me but ohhh man i am 100% sure of this of course that is if everybody else drinks in the party and gets a little drunk at least...try staying sober in the middle of a drunk party and you will end up alone not talking to anyone


  5. Asking the question in the first place tells me that you need a mental crutch to try to feel macho. Your'e too ignorant to drink responsibly. If you don't like the taste, don't do it dummy. Grow up!

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