
What's the point of graphing in algebra?

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I must have missed this a while back, but what is the point of graphing in algebra? What is the point of graphing equations or finding the Y intercept? Can anyone give examples of how this is useful in the real world? Thanks.




  1. graphing, i never understood...ive been told that it helps people learn better visually through pictures and that c** actually makes it harder for me...

    in the real world, you'll almost never need to know how to graph an equation, but to get to the real world, you must pass calculus where you do need to know how to do that...

    as for algebra in general, it helps you think logically.

    for example,

    if i do something (a) while doing something else (b), what would be the repercussion (c)

    a + b = c  of course!

    if you're looking for a purpose to why you have to learn these things, think about it this way. Everyday, scholars, scientists, writers, philosophers, everyday people discover and learn new things on their own that can help people. While it would've taken them years to learn, it can take you minutes because teachers in school are explaining exactly what they did. Its because you at such a young age already have the knowledge which took a lifetime for someone else to learn that you can move onto more advanced material, and further boost man kinds knowledge. In other words, if kids were never taught the concept of the y intercept, then people would be spending lifetimes to teach the same thing to themselves, generation after generation.

    education is why man kind continues to advance

  2. It makes math so easy. Being able to press a button and get the answer saves you like 10 minutes. I think you use it more in Geometry. I'm taking that course this year, so I don't know.

  3. The point of graphing for practical terms (not just algebra) is to visualize your data or information to find patterns and to predict future data. There are infinite number of examples in the real world: scientific data, statisitics, business, accounting, the stock market, Internet statistics, etc. Algebra is commonly used every single day in all areas of industries and sectors.

  4. Well There's this thing outside my old math teachers things on what type of math you need to know for your future jobs and a lot of them needed it i don't know why but ask your math teacher i guess?

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