I've really been looking for jobs this summer online, and I've seen many, many questionares and character evaluations. They all seems to have generally similar questions:
When your friends need help, they call you first.
You can wait patiently for a long time
You like to chat with people you don't know
You find small talk annoying
Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree
So I wonder:
1. What's the point of all these?
2. Why are many of their questions so similar (Office Max, Staples, K-Mart, Boarders, and Circuit City all have very similar questionares)
3. Are they really important? Will an employer throw out your application if you say "Strongly Agree" to "I have regrets about my past" or if I give seemingly conflicting answers to 1 or 2 questions?