
What's the point of voting?

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If the electoral college can vote for whoever they want, regardless of what we vote for?




  1. Every vote counts because the electoral college are constituted through the votes of the people.

  2. If you don't vote you have no standing to complain about who gets elected.

    Seldom have electoral college members voted "for whoever they want" and, to my knowledge, they have never changed the actual outcome of the election.

  3. That's only for President and VP.Your vote can count for all others especially if you vote against all incumbents.Aside from protecting the smaller states.

    The founding fathers didn't trust the population.Majority rules is a c**p shoot.People are too easily influenced.Even now pretty much whoever spends the most money on advertising wins the popular vote.Does anyone believe political adds are honest?No,but they are effective.

  4. great question!! Ask Hillary she knows

  5. Weston: You question is seriously misinformed. An electoral college member is forced to vote for whatever the population of that district has voted for.

    Not totally true 24 states have laws to punish "faithless electors". electors in the other 26 states and DC are free to do as they like.

    I think a bigger problem is that even if all the electors voted as they should, a system where you can get over 70% of the people to vote for you and still lose the election is somehow wrong!

  6. How about superdelegates who answer to no one, can change their vote and we don't even know who they are?  How about New Hampshire getting more choices than California or any of the big states that actually drive the economy?  

  7. It is a bad system- but have faith and cast your vote

  8. None a system of Civic Currency can provide what people require.

    Besides as seen from The Cold War and after what people think does not matter as wars continue to be fought  against their wishes.

    Such a system is possible with computers.

  9. There is no point to it!  Dang I'm mad.

  10. Your assertion is false!

  11. That is why McCain will win!

  12. If this is a far as you will look into this then no don't vote because you obviously won't even research a candidate.  

  13. You question is seriously misinformed. An electoral college member is forced to vote for whatever the population of that district has voted for.

    This is why politicians make such a big deal about districting because it makes it easier for either republicans or democrats to get into office.

    YOUR VOTE matters, it wasn't always like this your correct. The reason someone can win the popular vote but not necessarily the election isn't because electoral college members are voting wily-nily it's because certain districts and states account for more of the electoral college votes than the actual number of the population.

    It doesn't really make sense, but some states like maine and nebraska are redrawing their state constitutions to take away the "winner-take-all" nature of the college vote when it comes to where the state places their votes and is letting the districts inside the states count for whatever vote they receive (in essence it's like making more tiny states)

    the point is state constitutions can rewrite how they come to the conclusion to distribute electoral college votes, the electoral college is on the national level but states have rights for apportionment, this is a living breathing thing, write to your congressmen to see change if you so desire

    the point is your vote does matter, the electoral college is JUST A BODY to cast the vote of THE PEOPLE in their District.

    so get out there and vote.

  14. Stupid isnt it? Should be based on popular vote.

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