
What's the point of wishing Edward Cullen was real?

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What's the point of wishing Ed was real? It's not like he would attract you with his smoldering eyes, ask you out, marry you and have little smoldering-eyed babies with you; if he did exist, you would probably never meet.

I'm not trying to be rude; I truly am curious. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase "Oh, I wish Edward was real!" on this site.





  1. Great question! I have often wondered this myself.

    Why So Serious? [Epiphany]- san makes a very good point:

    "If he was real, he would avoid them like the plague. Until Bella came along, he viewed humans like humans view goldfishes-- small, insignificant, and boring. He wouldn't give any of them the time of day. Haha."

    Very, very true. Although I do disagree that Edward is abusive. Overprotective, yes, but I don't believe that he is abusive. He is scared of losing the one person that makes his existence worth living. Anyone would be terrified and overprotective if they saw a person they loved in danger. Aren't most parents overprotective of their children? Aren't most people overprotective of their pets? I really don't see how Edward is any different. I certainly don't see how he is abusive.



    I see your point. I can't say that I truly agree with it but it is a very interesting idea. I will definitely have a different view when I go back to reread the books. Definitely something to think on. I don't really have any rebukes - I mean, we both have opinons and neither are going to change. I definitely will be studying Edward further and am now even more interested in what will be in Midnight Sun (I refuse to read the online version because Miss Stephenie said that she doesn't want fans to read the unedited version). Thank you for responding - most people would just try and bash another person who challenged their argument.

  2. cuz its fun, just like you always wished you could meet your favorite childhood hero or your favorite celebrity.

    Besides theres that thing that people say if you can get enough people at the same time to think really hard about the same branch of the same tree it will burst into flames, same theory goes with Edward Cullen.

  3. When people wish edward was real, they are actually just wishing their version of the perfect man would appear and sweep them off their feet, as edward did for bella. I'm assuming they are shallow, desperate boyfriend-less teenage girls who have yet to understand that flawed is a good, human characteristic and their perfect man does not actually exist.

    Nice question by the way!

  4. Um. He's just a fictional character. I wish he was real too. So? And hey you never know. Bella was just your normal teenager too. I love Edward Cullen.

  5. When you really think about it, is there any point in wishing at all?

    They probably won't come true, so no there isn't.

    But yet everyone wants what they can't have, and they want to believe that in somehow someway, wishing will get it.

    Which of course it doesn't. But I guess we all have our useless dreams, and our useless wishes. Really in another year or two everyone will be wishing something else. Wishes aren't thought out, nor sensible, they are just, nonsense.

    By the way, thanks for this question, it got my mind moving.

    : ) Have a great day.

  6. I have no idea. Not an Eddy fangirl here. I guess they just want to see what he'd look like based on the descriptions, not an actor portraying him. Then, when they meet him, they hope they'll do a Bella and he won't be able to read their minds. Maybe they think he'd be a movie star and they'd see him everywhere. Or maybe that he'd be attracted to plain ordinary uninteresting girls.

    Maybe his being real would knock some sense int people that he's not a good guy. I agree with Why so Serious? E.

    Or maybe they want to turn into vampires.

    Personally, I wish Snape was real. I'd want to meet him.  

  7. Although everyone knows there will never be an Edward still makes every girl happy to think that there might be a possible person like him.

    and Why So Serious? [Epiphany] if you hate Edward Cullen so much I really wonder why you even bother answering these questions. I mean seriously, you answer ever question there is about Twilight. If you hate Twilight SO much i really don't understand why you even bother looking at these questions.

    I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone, but seriously I'm sure it's getting really annoying for all those Edward lovers out there, because I'm one and I know some people that find it annoying.  

    You can ban me for all I care, it's just getting really annoying. If you would like to talk about how much you hate Edward Cullen, I advice you to talk some where else, besides the questioneer didn't question about how much you hated him.


  8. just because he sounds amazing!!  it's not the fact that he's a vampire.  it's the fact that he's literally the perfect guy!  =)

  9. well, why wouldn't we? you know?

    he just seems so amazing and i think we want to experience that too.

    he may not marry us or attract us ask us out have lil babies with us but i think we all want to see such beauty

    but I'm sure people would make sure to meet him, lol

    I do wish he was real, the cullens and everything it would be such a different thing to us. lol

    i hope i helped

  10. If he was real, he would avoid them like the plague. Until Bella came along, he viewed humans like humans view goldfishes-- small, insignificant, boring, and predictable. He wouldn't give any of them the time of day-- they'd just be another annoying human to him.

    Why would anyone wish for that abusive, controlling, pretentious pansy to be real? I mean these girls do realize that if Edward Cullen was real, he'd be in jail right now, right? It seriously scares me that so many girls think Edward is the "perfect guy". If he existed in the real world, he wouldn't get away with half of the c**p he does in the book (that's one thing I loathe about Twilight... it rationalizes things that should never be rationalized). If he was real and did the things he did in the series, he would  be viewed as a freak, not "romantic" and "worried about (insert girl's name) safety".

    God, people need to wake up and realize that the "perfect guy" doesn't exist. I hate it when people say that about Edward. It's not fair to want, expect, or demand perfection from anyone. You'll never get it, no matter how hard you try. So what's the point of fantasizing about it? It's a waste of time and brainpower. People make mistakes. Perfection is boring and unachievable. The idea of a "perfect guy" is repulsive to me-- I would NEVER want to be with someone seemingly "perfect".

  11. I agree with KT-Chan.

  12. Why question it?? Just enjoy the moment....

  13. There is no point. They're hopeless romantics (in a bad way). They just want the perfect guy. I've heard some fans ask questions like, "Why isn't my boyfriend like Edward?" A) If he were like Edward, he'd be in jail. B) that's the most offensive question I've ever heard.

    These fan girls don't seem to appreciate real guys, and it drives me mad. It's like they'd rather wish for the perfect guy than be with a real one. They can't get it through their thick skulls: Edward isn't real. No guy on the planet will ever be like Edward.

    So why do they keep wishing? Why don't they understand? I think this is one of the many confirmations to my theory. Reading Twilight kills brain cells. Ugh, I feel stupid just talking about the book!

  14. Its not really about wishing Edward was real-its about wishing that you could find a guy like him. Not a vampire, but just someone who is like Edward, someone who truly loves you and would do anything for you. Thats my take xD

  15. I don't either. Well, I think Why so serious? covered it pretty good for the Anti-Twilighters as did the others with excellent points. He would avoid us like the plague and he would view us like we view goldfishes *coughcough* <---Goldfish. Just kidding. :P

    I honestly don't know why. He is abusive and perfect for his "own good". I always say perfection is boring and beauty if painful. That's what it is really. Edward is soo perfect. He can do everything correctly, he doesn't know how to do anything wrong, that it takes the fun out of a relationship. It takes the surprise out of it too. I wouldn't want a mate who was always right.

    I also wouldn't want a boyfriend who controlled me using his dazzling, smoldering eyes and smoldering-eyed babies? Yikes, that sounds creepy! And I'd want a boyfriend who let me make my own decisions, make my own choices and didn't control my every move. I'd want a guy who doesn't treat me like an inferior, someone who would treat me as if I were made of porcelain, but someone who would treat me as an EQUAL without being patronizing.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. "He loves her." "He's doing it for her own good." "He's doing it to protect her." Uh, was that what he was doing when he decided to watch her sleep? How about following her--when they didn't know each other--to Port Angeles? It reminds me of that saying "You call it stalking. I call it love." No. It's not love. It's stalking. It's asking to be pepper-sprayed and then thrown in jail. It's 100% creepy.

    Plus Edward is hard and sparkly and cold. And dead. Let's not forget that biggy. He's dead. Uh, Bella couldn't be all over him because he was afraid he would eat her if she was all over him. If he lost control then there wouldn't be a Bella--oh, how I wish. And he doesn't SLEEP! Ever!! Plus he's probably older than her great-grandfather!! Whoa!! Let's reign that horse in, ladies, and look at reality.

    Edward isn't real. And no matter how many times someone clicks their heels, he won't ever be real. Even if you wish on a million falling stars. He won't be real. Let's repeat that until we get it. Edward isn't real. Edward isn't real. He'll NEVER be real. He'll NEVER be real.

    And I'm glad for that too. The last thing we need are more criminals--yes, he's a criminal. He killed people. Oh how charming...

  16. Some girls have dreams of meeting him. I personally have no idea, I just sort of wish he was real to know he was out there.  

  17. I have absolutely no idea, but all of this twilight talk is cracking me up! I am thoroughly enjoying everyones take on things. Good stuff. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw you posted a twilight related question by the way.... I really didn't see that one coming! =)

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