
What's the possibility of an UltraSound done in 20 week to be wrong? when the tech said it's a girl ?

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my wife has this EXTREMELY high instincts that it's a boy, so we are confused. Also, the tech. lady said it's a girl, within the first 30 seconds of starting the Ultra Sound !! we are confused that if she was this good, or other way round.

also, she didn't say that what is the basis of her findings, she just said it's a girl. She didn't mention what she saw.




  1. Hi,

    There is always a chance of them making a mistake,  but if the tech seemed pretty fast and ready to answer your questions, he may be experienced and he may be right!

    Happy birthday!

  2. If the legs weren't wide open the chance is really 50/50.  If the legs were wide open and you could see at a good angle and there was no p***s there then you can be sure it is a girl.  You can't go by just the 3 line theory that some go by, they were wrong when they used that for me and told me mine was a girl and i had a boy.  This time around though the legs were wide open at 23 wks and a p***s was very much seen.  

  3. At 20 weeks, if your tech said girl, I'd say that's probably accurate.  I have 2 boys and there was NO question to their gender at their 20 week ultrasound.  I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant with a little girl and there was no question with her either.  Boy parts are hard to miss!

  4. it depends. if the tech saw only that the genital area was flat, then there is a small chance they were wrong. however if they saw the labia then there is no chance they were wrong. most techs wont tell you its a girl unless they actually see the girl the labia

  5. I had an ultrasound done at 18 weeks, they said it was a girl and I had one done a few weeks ago again, and its still a girl.

    Be happy with what you have. She's not going to magically grow a p***s.

  6. Did they show you the "girl parts"?

    If they told you what it was chances are they are right. Usually they don't tell you unless they are very sure.

  7. depends if you had a situation like me.. im 35 weeks now but at my 20 week they said "we can't see any signs of boy parts but we're still not sure" but if they got a clear shot then they can't be wrong. If it helps go to like google or something and search up ultrasound pictures of gender.. Anyway congrats on pregnancy and i hope that your tech didnt get it wrong =]

  8. there is a slim chance they are wrong because technology has come so far in the matter of 10 years

  9. I doubt the tech would be wrong, it's their job, what they are trained to do, what they get paid to do, and have probably done it more times then you can imagine.

    They don't just take a quick peek and guess and they look at more than one shot for accuracy. They view your baby form many many angles to determine the s*x, not just the shot they print out for you.

    Congrats on your baby girl.

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