
What's the prettiest color topaz can be?

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What's the prettiest color topaz can be?




  1. TOPAz colored.

  2. I am so partial to the bright blue tint!  I think it is maybe called Swiss topaz?  Lovely!

  3. London blue has always been my favorite.

    However, pretty is a subjective concept. Science is objective so this would have been better in polls and surveys.

  4. Probably 95% of the topaz on the market today is not the colour it was when it was mined. The strong blues are all irradiated, the flamingo pinks, cherry pink and many other tints are all heated as well as irradiated and the "Mystic" topaz is surface coated. White is probably natural but a lot of that is also heated to get rid of slight traces of natural colour.

    My personal favourite is the natural colour "Imperial Topaz" which has a rich sherry colour with a subtle pink tone as well creating a peachy effect (it is also, by far, the most expensive variety).

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