
What's the probability to be born in this Universe?

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What's the probability to be born in this Universe?




  1. What assumptions could you make that would give you a chance to answer.

  2. as far as we know, 100 percent

  3. Well, were not sure if there is even a .001% chance of being born elsewhere in the universe other than Earth. But if there was life in every galaxy or whatever, it's probably as good a chance as a random fluke.

  4. no one know, but my guess would be something like 1 in infiniti

  5. That would depend on whether or not there are other universes, and that 's something we just don't know.

  6. Very funny.  What other Universe could you be born in?

    Assuming that DNA is random (it isn't) and that any combination is equally likely (it isn't) and you are completely determined by your DNA (you aren't), and the human genome has a data size of 750 megabytes, then the probability that a new human is you is one in 2^750,000,000.  There are currently 6,000,000,000 people, so you have multiple chances to happen.  This improves your chances to about one in 2^750,000,000 - which is to say, not much different.

    One chance in 10^225,772,497.

    As Han Solo said, "Never tell me the odds".

  7. The only answer is that this question (as stated) is impossible to answer.

  8. It sort of depends upon what time point you are making your calculation.  If we were to calculate the value of the possibility of your existence at the time of the big bang, your probability would be so close to zero that there would be no significant difference.  

    Your probability remains essentially zero throughout history.  Just too many variables are in play.  

    At the time of your parents being born the odds improve tremendously, but they are still nearly zero.  The chances of your parents actually meeting, mating, and your fathers exact sperm fertilizing your mother's egg are VERY LOW.  After all, your dad produced an awful lot of sperm in that one moment of passion, so even in the seconds before your creation the odds against your existence were still millions to one.

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