
What's the proper etiquette on discarding flowers after they've wilted? I don't want to dry them.?

by Guest59031  |  earlier

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My boyfriend gave me flowers for our second anniversary. They're sitting on the dining room table (we live together), and I wasn't sure if he'd be discouraged if I just threw them in the trash.




  1. If they are dead, then by all means pitch 'em, I'm sure your boyfriend will understand. Flowers can be bought again, maybe next time suggest fake ones.

  2. Yes that's fine or a compost heap if you have a garden and live in the country.....

  3. Pull the petals off and put them in a bowl like potpourri.

  4. Discard them in a place where they can't be seen (e.g. in your neighbour's trash) when your boyfriend's not home. Perhaps replace them with a fresh bunch of flowers.

  5. Dead flowers can go to the trash.  I agree with Sophie that you might save one in a special book or a Bible to commemorate the occasion.  You might subtly hint that you love receiving plants, because they can grow for years.  Something like a philodendron or pothos can last forever, with very little fuss.  A snake plant aka mother-in-law tongue, can grow to be quite impressive and with a very small amount of care you could have it for 20 years.  You could make a bit of a show over disposing of them...I just hate to throw these away, they were so lovely.  And you were so sweet to get could work a plant into this conversation easily.

  6. If you don't want to press them, then just put them in recycling for composting.  You are not obliged to keep flowers given to you forever.  Your boyfriend had to have known the flowers wouldn't last forever.

  7. Carve them up and recycle them in your yard somewhere.  At least they will have served a final purpose.

  8. If they have wilted, then pitch them...

    you might want to press one as a keepsake,might not....

  9. Just throw them out - you aren't required to save them.

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