
What's the proper way to respond if you find a water moccasin in your house?

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I am DEATHLY afraid of snakes & have nightmares about them EVERY night. I'm just so scared. & I always hear people telling situations where they found 4 black snakes in their bed.




  1. is there a good way to respond to a snake in your house? trust me, i would be screaming, running,tearing up everything,ya know having a little green snake is bad enough ,but a water moc.,thise things are bad news.i think i would find every possible way that they could get in and plug it.

  2. thanks for that awesome story. now i ave to check my bed every night! haha well if you found a snake in your house, i would get a shovel and decapitate it!

  3. #1 do not attempt to capture it yourself. #2 if you know your living in an area where swamp snakes are indigenous, how about a ferret or a cat! they are both stealth little animals! Think of the Rikki tikki tavi story. Cats are wonderful nocturnal predators. I have always had 1 momma and babies to equal a total of 6 (all neutered or spayed before their first heat) but all very apt when protecting their owners home at night. Also rake and scrape all debris;meaning leaves tree limbs, yard waste etc. away from your house. That helps to detour "visitors". We were plagued with wolf spiders & black racers in Florida, once I got the cats. No more visitors! Just an idea! the cats don't have to be inside cats, they just have to know your their owner. Make sure you have a couple of males as they seem to be more interested in hunting that the females

  4. call animal controll

  5. I would most likely respond by calling animal control or 911. By first calling the police, at least they will show up and in most cases be more willing to help whereas animal control is usually understaffed and not capable of making house visits after business hours unless summoned by the police.

  6. Spay away from the snake and call animal control

  7. if you live in snake country be prepared always. keep a torch under your pillow and use it to go and switch on light at nicht. keep a sturdy stick handy at easy to get to places.install snake protection under all doors especially ones leading outside your bed sheets may not touch the floor . keep it neat and folded during the day ensure all inlets drains etc are blocked professionally. dontworry they wont bite till you step on one

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