
What's the purpose of "assimilation" in developing your sixth sense?

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Seems like someone could lose their identity "getting inside" another person or animal.




  1. Hi

    I don't think it is meant to lose your identity or soul, but rather an exercise to enahnce and heighten your senses about the world around you.

  2. Perhaps people who have mental illnesses like dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) are people who may have more than one soul in their body. Since we cannot measure the soul, nor diffine it and understand its nature, we cannot know what is and is not possible with it.

    Assimilation is a new age technique that attempts to absorb information through tactile interaction with an object or person. Its similar to the concept of psychometry, where a person holds an object in their hands and attempts to divine information through it about its history and about those who owned that object. For example say you are given a wedding ring; psychometry works on the premise that a psychic would able to hold that object and tell you things about the person who owned it, things they had no prior knowledge of.

    Assimilation is similar accept the person attempts to gather information by attempting to imagine what its like to be the object they are trying to assimilate. People are indeed the easiest objects to assimilate because we can empathize with them, understand them, reason and know them.

    Losing your identity through assimilation is not possible. You can lose your mind though. However this is also not likely unless other factors also apply. The mind acts like an achor to the concsiousness. And while you can project your consciousness towards other things and people and imagine things and even gain insights, your consciousness always returns back to your body.

    Its difficult to explain, but when you assimilate information - in the manner this article suggests, you're not really sending your consciousness anywhere. It remains in your brain, where it always is. What can happen is that your mind generates an altered awareness from the perspective of another person, or thing and what you already know of that thing will define what you experience. It is possible to gain knowledge in this manner that you did not previously know. But its through the power of the imagination. Which is a powerful thing by the way.

    The purpose of this exersice is to train your brain to think outside the box, or rather outside your own skull. Its meant to teach you how to use your senses as though you were not yourself, but someone or something else.

  3. I hadn't heard of this. I did a shamanic journeying once and took the form of a cat but it was more like the spirit of a cat and not putting my body into one that was living in the Earthly realm.

    It just sounds invasive to me...and wrong. I mean, what if you accidentally did get into someone else's body? What would it be like for the person?

    I think that by doing something like this, even if you don't physically inhabit the person, on an astral level, you are invading their space.

    I don't see losing one's identity being a problem, since you would be more in control than the other person or animal...

    But you have tried it and I haven't so this is just my uninformed opinion.  ;)


    I think that by practicing this, one could astral project...accidentally and although they see it as a purely mental thing, they are actually messing around in someone else's real space.

  4. That is impossible, because since every human has there own soul, for one to enter another human would to mean that the inhabitant would have 2 souls, which does not work. 1 soul per body and for us to become animals would not be very smart to many enemies and there brains are not up to our stature.

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