
What's the purpose of this section?

by  |  earlier

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I just discovered it today.




  1. Alternative Mythology or History this should be a part of Mythology not Space and Astronomy.

  2. You never know who you are communicating with on the Internet.For all you know i might be  a alien .

  3. If that Jasius guy is serious, he must be crazy.  If he is kidding, that is hilarious.  Either way, I laughed.

  4. To liberate you from some dogmas, to have fun, if you collect interesting questions and answers / themes for lessons, tests, esseys, shows etc./  - to have good choice

  5. You discovered it like Columbus discovered America, claiming it in the name of Spain.  And we are all Native Americans standing around thinking "What is this guy talking about?"  Why do things have to have a purpose?  Some things just are.  Straight up.

  6. if wat

  7. The purpose is for you to ask or answer questions that you or someone else might consider to be alternative science.

  8. Fun.

    Here you can ask a whacky 'science' question.

    Go ahead, try it  :-)

  9. To go where no mind has gone before; explore new ideas, find new answers! (scientifically, of course). And not get zapped by the Great Yamster.

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