
What's the quickest and most efficient way to change my IP address? i need to do it multiple times.

by  |  earlier

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What's the quickest and most efficient way to change my IP address? i need to do it multiple times.




  1. this depends on what you are doing and what your connection type is... if you are using dial up just reconnect. if you are using cable or dsl and it is connecting directly to your computer (no router or wireless router) you can try to use the /release /renew switches on the ipconfig.exe command from a command prompt (if 95 or 98 use winpcfg and then get a new computer)... if this doesn't work then your IP is being cached on the ISP side and you will need to change your mac address which is not always possible as most vendors physically burn this address into your adapter... if you are using a wireless router then you will need to refer to the documentation on how to reset the DHCP lease on your WAN connection as it varies from one device to the next (or search online for the documentation/ask again on here with make and model)... and if you are using a non MS OS then you may need to ask your question again and put in the OS info... hope that helps some.

  2. This is an assumption you are talking about your public IP, not local.

    Unless you are using a dialup connection, your public IP address cannot be changed unless it is by your ISP, as it is static. You can change your local IP address, most commonly 192.168.1.* but that will be on LOCAL network only, not internet.

    Also the release command is for local IP addresses.

  3. start > run > type cmd  it should bring up a blackbox. now type

    ipconfig /release     then press enter

    now in the same black box type    ipconfig /renew   and press enter

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