
What's the quickest way to improve your credit score?

by Guest61883  |  earlier

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What's the quickest way to improve your credit score?




  1. You can use credit repair agency to fix your credit - for example this one - - They can clean lots of bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.

  2. Pay off your debts so you're carrying under 30% of your credit limits, pay on time, and make sure you're under your credit limits.

  3. Pay all your bills promptly by return mail. Carry a zero balance on your credit card. Notice I said card, not cards, meaning you pay each credit card bill in full when rendered.

    If you can't pay for it by the end of the month, either don't buy it or save for it.  Exceptions would be buying a house or a car. But it is possible, and a good idea, to save for the full purchase price of a car.

    If you are already carrying a credit card balance, Buy only what you can pay for that month plus a substantial additional payment to reduce the balance.

    Few people think of how much they could buy with the interest they must pay to carry a credit card balance. This is dead loss.

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